The TOOLS OF COMMUNICATION According to Menshhein (2007), to communicate itself with the consumers it is essential to keep the active and constant relationship, but the organizations tend to find at any time that optimum if to make it is to enter in contact with the customer in any place, and of any form. It is of much importance that the advertiser has a deep knowledge on its business, its strong and weak points, its marketing goals and objectives, these information are basic for the development of a solid and efficient planning (BUSSADA, 2010) . The communication must be used with common-sense, is a way of two hands, where the sender, the company, and the receiver, the customers, must be understood perfectly. The election of efficient canals for the transmission of the message if becomes each more difficult time the measure that the communication channels if show more fragmented and congested (KOTLER; KELLER, 2006). This chapter describes the main tools of communication and its performances better to detach/to vender a product or mark. 6,1 CONCEPTS and VISES For Wools Houses (2000) exist four determinative factors that can be taken as base in the hour of if considering, creating and to choose an advertising campaign: ) Generation of flows of customers: many campaigns objectify to extend the demand of the consumers for visits to the store. Evidently, for these cases the supply must be foreseen to understand to the waited demand; b) Sales of products: the approach advertising executive can be directed for sale of products, in these cases, is possible to make promotions as the sales of selected products, promotions special etc.; c) Image of the store: the institucional propaganda aims at to the spreading of a positive, institucional image, in order to divulge the company of indirect form, becoming its likeable image for the community; d) Retention of image: also it can be used as a souvenir of the businesses.
Species Plantarum
1.2-ORIGIN OF the CULTURE pertaining Species to gnero Allium is found in an ample gamma of altitudes and latitudes that include since the Artic Circle tie the European continent, Asia, North America and Africa (Boiteux & Melo, 2004). However, in contrast with the majority of the cultivated plants, the Center exacto of origin of the species. the Sativum still remains obscure, (Boiteux & Melo, 2004). As the onion, the garlic has as origin center the highlands of Central Asia, where a. Longicuspis grows Spontaneous, considered the wild ancestor of the cultivated garlic (Almeida, 2006). India was cultivated in Asia (, Mesopotmia) and in the Egipto it has 3000 years more than, (Almeida, 2006).
To the end of century XV the Spaniard had introduced the garlic in the American continent (Infoagro, 2003), in Brazil, the garlic arrived with the Portuguese, at the time of the discovery (Vilela et all, 2004). In the Old Egipto he was consumed for the popular classrooms, but a coarse food would be considered by the Aristocracy impure (Almeida, 2006). The similarity of the onion, was an important food in the diet of the constructors of the pyramids of Giza (Almeida, 2006). The Garlic was remained as food, condiment and popular medicinal product in the mediterrnica region and Asia (Almeida 2006). 1.3? BOTANICAL TAXINOMIA the classification of the garlic inside of the Allium species sativum L. this perfectly established since the first taxinmico treatment the endowed one for Carl Van Lineu in its book Species Plantarum (1753) (Boiteux & Melo, 2004). However, the positioning correcto of gnero Allium has been controversy reason, being some times classified inside of the Liliaceae family or the Amaryllidaceae (Monocotyledones classroom, Asparagales order), as the emphasis in determined characteristic morphologic, physiological and biochemists (Boiteux & Melo, 2004). More recently, the combination of morphologic and molecular data has strengthened the idea of that about 750 species of gnero allium they belong, of fact, to a family monofiletica- Alliaceae- that is distinct, but narrowly related with the family Amaryllidaceae (Boiteux & Melo, 2004).
The occupation of the dry zone of the territory to potiguar consolidate-sine century XVIII, being most important the cattle breeding business. Existing farms in the ribeiras of the interior of Estado were numerosasas (UF). The clientele deCaic, former P., counted on 70 farms (the cities are countless, cujosurgimento of the urban nucleus, had relation with the cattle breeding business). The historical vocation of sertanejo, stops with the cattle one, ficapatente in all the moments of history. Of cattle a extreme-extensive one, developed in the fields, it was transferred, with the hereditary succession of lands, auma cattle half-extensive, with the cattle espremido in lesser areas each time. From the years 70 (Sc. XX), however, the process demodernizao of the cattle breeding business has provoked the separation of the creation of gadodas activities of farming.
The cattle is not more untied in the roados ones of cotton, maize and beans, to feed with the remaining portions of the cultures, being been servant deformed half-intensive, where capim is cultivated next to the water points, comoaudes, rivers and wells. Areas long ago destined to roa gradually estotransformando itself in spaces of the cattle one. In the Serid to potiguar, with the extinguishing of the cotton and the declnioacentuado one in the plantation of sorts directed to the suppliment of the local population, apecuria comes to tona, with caractersticasde modern activity (improvement of the flock, confinement, measured sanitary denatureza, among others). Valley to remember that this modernization comes severificando since years 70 (sc. XX), when the State, through programasespecficos, has looked for to stimulate it with sights to the accomplishment of the integraovertical of the farming sector with the industrial sector.
Amongst the farming activities they quetiveram strong tradition in the region, the cattle milkmaid is the one that if presents maissaliente. 3. APECURIA AND the PROCESS OF DESERTIFICAO IN in agreement SERID the ficamuito previous note clearly the attributes of the atividadepecuria, at some historical moments of the dry zone northeastern and the Serid, for extension, as well as the resistance of this activity to the different ones momentosvividos by world-wide, national and local the economy, that had finished taking aocolapso, products such as the cotton and the mining, that had constructed to history eriqueza in the region.