Firebox Purpose

We already have our Twitter account fully functional, one of the pillars of our social marketing strategy. Now, populate things interesting, motivating and useful to our contacts. Does that follow? This question must be answered depending on the purpose that we have created the account see the first part of this delivery by clicking here. Let’s assume that the account has been created with the mere purpose of making networking. Yes, if we already know queincrementar sales is the ultimate goal, however, it is necessary to start from the beginning: approaching the Firebox and make friends. What is the first thing others see us to join Twitter? They want to know who we are, and get as much information as possible. All items offered in the profile, the stream or it time line or list of tweets that we have done is what stands out. Bird flight, the visitor may say what are their major interests, and what style to relate with the others you have.

And this is going to determine what information twitearemos. At the beginning, when you don’t have much that converse with others, there are two things you should do: follow, follow and follow other users. Follow to who you deem interesting: other operators in the market, colleagues, competition, and any entity or person that has something to say about what you do. Tweet things innovative, interesting and informative. Follow, follow, follow how to find interesting people to follow? First, search for your keywords.

For this purpose, you have a search box on your right side. You can enter your keywords with or without a hashtag (#). Here’s the difference. If you enter the term without hashtag, Twitter will return the most recent tweets where it mentions the word in any context. But if you include the hashtag, the list you will get is the tweets where that Word has been marked by its relevance.

Humane Society

Recently create a group specialized in business on Facebook; It seemed to me that it was important to create it for various reasons, before I explain I let’s together a little more about this phenomenon of groups. To understand the commercial use and the emergence of global of all kinds of groups such as those that exist today, we must know that at the beginning, Facebook, was only a social network where participating a few University they intended to see a little beyond their lives as students and finding shared interests, hobbies and expand your circle of friends. Very soon these same students who were searching for their favorite bands or who belonged to sports teams, they realized the power that represented groups within Facebook and began to organize themselves and even protest. This network has now been internationalized and thus have shot hundreds of groups with different themes. For example the CIA uses his group as a tool for recruitment, the Humane Society is using Facebook to raise awareness and raise funds and companies such as Walmart use it to increase its sales in name of your business or your product to identify it and give it the character of a specialized group. -Friends groups: Is not bad choice make known its new group joining others (with related themes) with more members and have greater time of existence, this will help attract new members segmented for your group.

Avoid Spam and participate with contributions so that it is also seen as a reference within those groups and strengthens a relationship for future alliances. -Cross-promotion: If you participate in other spaces within Facebook sure appoint or always cited as a source of reference to his business group. If it has a website, a blog, or from their same business conducive to contact through their group or use it as support for customers and future members of your business system. -Keep the Feedback: A fundamental characteristic of networks is that we must learn to use communication as a tool of business and exchange of opinions and ideas, don’t forget that the contribution of its members is very useful for any purpose, make them feel heard and assert their opinions answering messages, actively participating. -Group Scoop: If you use your group to establish business relationships don’t forget to give the firstfruits there, members will feel that they are finding out before anyone new in your site, their projects and the future, only by being there.Establishing this information system through groups may be even more beneficial, as a strategy, if for example not all members are active participants in their business or are not subscribers to the newsletter of your site. Well I think that they are very interesting points to implement that with a bit of dedication they redituaran economic benefits but above all things, will do so to see Ud and your business as professionals and specialists in the topic that brings together within Facebook. And remember, as I always say: turn strangers into friends and friends into customers (not vice versa!) hits!