
And then it will take respective measures. So the small observed as mathematics is related to physical existence. This to the solid state. In addition the teacher may teach kids basic geometry from these games. To State liquid the teacher may request children to carry containers that handle a good measure cubic. In order to fill the vacuum of such containers.

Then may with a Picot of the same extent open to the plastic container a hole in the bottom center and with a stopwatch to record the time that it takes to empty. There can analyze the times and measurements c.y. On the other hand. Without that children handled chemicals or run risks. The teacher can get steel containers that possess the same caliber in the thickness, but with different sizes. Then driving a standard boiling temperature will cause water to boil.

In order to calculate how long it takes to evaporate the water, depending on the cubic centimeters of such containers. The children from a distance see the steam. The teacher show them the container already vacuum, from a distance. It’s make measurements or data tables. And are can be very simple. You can therefore be operated through minutes. The important thing is that the child is oblivious to the risks. There will be a suitable age to work in the laboratories. The important thing is that the teacher shows children as is that this class of phenomena can be clamped to mathematics. These experiments and many more experiences, are owned and free Chair of the teacher. Why insist that teachers not only must comply with what they teach you in College, should investigate the theories and experiments in physics, chemistry, and by putting the science of thought, philosophy. Limit of bodies: Is says that a body has limit when your stuff is defined or contained by their material status.

National Council

(d). dissemination of knowledge generated by research, teaching and the creative and artistic work in the local community and the national, and regional levels through programs related to education, health, culture, sports, recreation and other areas, contributing to the satisfaction of priority needs of these communities using all available media. (e). strengthen the permanent updating of the lines of research and teams of researchers, through the establishment of agreements of collaboration and national and international academic exchange with institutions that offer programs of postgraduate’s renowned quality and excellence. Article 90.

The development of graduate programs is exclusive competence of the universities and institutions duly authorized by the National Council of university education. The State undertakes the allocation of sufficient resources, by way of regular budget and special funds, enabling universities and those institutions authorized by the National Council of higher education to offer programs of postgraduate, the fulfillment of this mission. Article 91. Studies (postgraduate are classified, according to their purpose, in: studies leading to the following degrees: to) specialization technique: targeting technical superior. (b) specialization: to achieve a high professional competence. (c) masters: for the analysis of a specific knowledge area and the methodological training for research. Conclusions in short, is necessary postgraduates for the Venezuelan case to redefine its objectives, make the changes, transformations that the modern stage demand, are vigilant in each of the programs offered, define the profile of your graduate, according to the needs of the moment, restructure its administrative systems, educational management giving way to the knowledge needed to meet the challenges, required transformations and rescue their academic excellence. Should not be forgotten as well notes, which is considered a graduate as program evaluation: the process whereby is delimits and describes a program or object and is judged their merit or value from an integral vision, attending to the needs, interests and expectations supported by persons or groups involved, and institutional, socio-cultural and political context in which it is performed (Salcedo, 1994, p. 68) * sources cited and some original author Web pages and source of the article.

Business Needs

The majority of companies in these days is based on a computer science network. Many computers realise thousands of tasks per second, from the control of lines of production, orders in existence, preparation of financial registries and communication with computers of other networks – often from another side of the world. The computers use only one thing to make a pursuit of all these tasks: the time. The fechadores clocks otimestamps is the unique reference of the computers for when an event or task takes place in relation to other events. The computers measure the time in periods of milliseconds (thousandth of second), since they can carry out hundreds of processes per second A known world-wide calendar as UTC (Tiempo Universal Coordinado) has been developed to assure that the computers of different organizations anywhere in the world can be synchronized together.

Then, what happens if the clocks of the computers do not agree to each other or with UTC? The consequences to put to work a network with computers that are not synchronous they can be disastrous. Here they are five reasons for which all the companies need suitable synchronization networks using a servant NTP (Network Time Protocol) or another type of device of servant of hour of network 1. The tasks stop being fulfilled: When the computers are being executed in different times, the events in different machines can stop happening, frequently a PC can assume that an event already has happened in another machine, if the time for the event has happened in agreement with its own clock. And what is worse, when a task fault has an effect chain with other tasks that stop passing and these as well, they cause the failure of more additional tasks. 2. Loss of Data: When the tasks stop being fulfilled note soon, but when the networks are not synchronous data, which is understood are kept, they can easily be lost and happen unnoticed during enough time.


If we came back to the times of Christ and of the apstolos we would see that one of the tonic of its lives was the eternity. The message that Christ announced was the inclusion of a perpetual intention in the life of the men, it said regarding the kingdom of God and its implications beyond this life. The message that They had loaded with its lives and pregao to some invited, to others frightened. When we look at for Church of our days we see something extremely humanist, people complete the building of the Churches behind proper benefit, of a blessing here, another blessing there, an open door here, and another open door there. The current evangelstica message is to invite the men to have a better life, a better marriage, a better job, a professional development better, at last, is everything centered in the man. God was redizudo the servant and the men the gentlemen. It started when to nail you evangelho said: You repent you and you believe in evangelho, it never said: oraozinha of of one minute and you makes one less it will be saved. The evangelstica message age of repentance that implies in change of life style, change of disposal in relation the God, deep pain for having offended the God through sins.

The repentance was taken off of great part of the Churches. The man does not have to come to evangelho to have a better life, happyer, Jesus never taught this. It must come to evangelho because its nature is corrupt, pecaminosa and therefore he is terribly separate of God, and if not to repent itself will be thus for the eternity. If we came back toward some last decades we would see that evangelho nailed was that one that displayed the nature of the sin and, invited the men to a complete change, to love what God loves, and to hate what God hates. This always will be the mark of that genuinely the God knows: To love what God loves, to reject what God rejects and to live with a perspective for the eternity.


This letter of the tarot describes the surprises to us which it will be had to face the consulting one that in the distance of letters counts on the luck of being represented with the death. Since we are speaking of renovation this letter of the tarot describes that the moment has arrived for freeing itself of everything what presses to him and that from now on the embarrassing situations finished, to take step to a new phase of its life, to which a spectacular Renaissance is related, as much at sentimental levels as material.

In the tarot it is not worth only the reading without the perfect interpretation of the energies that also come off before the appearance an arcane one which it will mark before and later in the life of the consulting one, invading of joy the interpreter since the satisfaction during the reading can assure that she is expansive. The channel of birth of the transformation puts to us in contact with new people, situations, possibilities and circumstances of the life, eeting again itself the consulting one with its true identity, and remembers to him that nothing is lost. The life is always in movement and in the interpretation of letters of the tarot could not less be, to be alive means to change continuously, because when we stagnated and we manipulated our energy unconsciously giving too much space to the superfluous things, only is when we entered the phase of the death since in letters of the tarot it is observed that the consulting one not only wishes the change, is causing but it..