
When employees achieve identification with the company and participate, being heard to take, they adopt the goals of the Organization as their own and put every effort to achieve them because they feel well motivated. John Simmons and William seas investigated the effects of participatory management in companies and came to the following results:-increased productivity by 100% and more. The number of casualties from disease was reduced to half. The fluctuation was reduced to half. The self-esteem of employees increased. Employees enjoyed more with his work. The sense of helplessness among employees was reduced. The feeling of being able to control things increased.

The data provided by this research we can say that depending on the mood of the workers you can increase or decrease productivity. When the managers of the organization develop its social competence they promote well-being and human contact with the rest of the staff that integrates the organization. Intentionally create environments or atmospheres of success and ensure that they contribute significantly to growth and organizational welfare. An atmosphere of success is achieved by worrying about creating spaces where employees see on paper the good news, the informations which are outlined by different communication media, about the achievements made by the company thus generating a climate of predisposition to the effort. Generally speaking, what is discussed in the negotiations often only the problems and progress are often, in the background. Although the news of success can become the triggering factor of new successes.

The excitement caused by a problem that has been fixed is contagious, reinforces confidence in the viability of the project and motivated to repeat the success. Even when the company is well-managed errors occur, employees are not always involve as much as it would be desirable, occasionally happen interventions which denote lack of companionship, managers cannot escape criticism. Conflicting discussions that occur in the work environment develop similar emotional processes that take place during a fight with the partner or any relative or friend. The conversation can be constructive, i.e. you can modify problems in a positive way. However, conflicting discussions between a superior or employee may create new problems, new challenges.

Balearic Islands

3700125 code). (January 26, 2012 BOP) 26/01/2012 Convention collective resolution of January 10, 2012 of the economic Vice-President of business promotion and occupation, that ordered the inscription and the deposit in the register of collective of the Balearic Islands and provides for the publication in the Bulletin official of the Islands Baleares of the minutes of meeting of the Joint Commission of the Convention collective of the wood sector and the Cork from the Balearic Islands day 7 of December 2011 in adopting the working calendar for the year 2012 (Convention No. 07000495011981 code). (January 26, 2012 BOIB) 25/01/2012 Convention collective resolution of January 16, 2012 by which has the inscription in the register and publication of the negotiating Commission Act in which approves the indicative work calendar for 2012 of the collective Sector agreement of ‘Construction and public works of the autonomous community of Cantabria’ (Convention No. 39000365011982 code). (January 25, 2012 BOC) 25/01/2012 Convention collective resolution of January 16, 2012 by which has the inscription in the register and publication of the minutes of the Negotiating Committee which approves the timetable Employment guiding for 2012 of the collective agreement of the Sector of Manufacture of derivatives of the cement of the autonomous community of Cantabria (code of Convention No. 39000395011982).

(January 25, 2012 BOC) 25/01/2012 Convention collective resolution of January 17, 2012 by which has the inscription in the register and publication of the Acta of the supporter Committee on realization of afternoon session in shopping centres of the collective agreement of trade in General in the province of Palencia (Convention No. 340000875012004 code). (January 25, 2012 BOP) 25/01/2012 Convention collective resolution of January 10, 2012 of the Provincial economy and employment service, by which has the inscription in the register and publication of the agreement which declares the inapplicability of article 32 of the collective agreement of the sector cleaning of buildings and premises of Zaragoza (Convention No.


CASE STUDY: THE INSTITUTE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OF THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO Monograph presented to the Foundation State Center of Statisticians, Research and Formation of the Public Servers of Rio De Janeiro, as requisite end for the conclusion of the Course of Specialization in Public Administration & mdash; CEAP XVI. Person who orientates: Prof. Msc. Suriman Walnut Jnior Rio De Janeiro 2010 SUMMARY The study it has for objective to present the Institute of Weights and the developed Measures of the State of Rio De Janeiro, its constitution, activities and to investigate the possible ways to transform it into an excellency island. The information had been harvested from the internal reports and of the experience of the servers who are part of the institution.

For analysis, three landmarks of management had been established. One come back toward the exclusive activity of the State that withholds the monopoly of the action; another one, that contemplates the work force and finally, the relation of the institute with the society of future. It was also looked to demonstrate to the necessity of the alignment of the actions with the Government of the State and the Federal Government and the routes of the organization, that in the last five years moved of feio. One expects that this work is incorporated the strategical planning of the State, of form to provoke a reflection that has taken the organization to acquire a proper identity and the reinforcement of its administrative structure. Word-key: Autarchy. Contract of Management. Alignment ABSTRACT This to paper intends you present the Institute of Weights and Measures of the State of Rio De Janeiro (Rio De Janeiro Institute of Weights and Measures), its constitution, the activities it develops, and you investigate the feasible means you make it an isle of excellence.