Norway Economy

Jens Stoltenberg makes a call to the entereza. The high-priority thing is " to comfort and asistir" to the victims, and later the police action in the attacks will be evaluated. The critics to the security forces grow. Norwegian prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, reiterated east Wednesday his call to the entereza, convinced that Norway " doblegar&quot will not be left; by the attempted double that caused 76 deads, and it promised to analyze the criticized reaction of the police. The high-priority thing before " tragedy nacional" lowered on Norway he is " to comfort and asistir" to the victims, it affirmed the j of the Social-Democratic Government, in appearance before average foreigners.

Later, it will be come to " to analyze in depth the reaction of the security forces before crisis" , guaranteed prime minister. Stoltenberg thus left to the passage to the crescents critics on the action the police after the attack the governmental complex Oslo, in which eight people died, followed of the shooting of the island of Utya, with 68 victims mortals. Budgetary cuts In means jump day to day a dripping of information that go of cuts of budgetary games (that the use of a helicopter would have prevented to stop before to Anders Behring Breivik) or coordination failures, as well as laborious corrections in the number of victims, since some corpses were counted twice. Against that situation, and while from his government it is continued endorsing the police action, Stoltenberg it appealed to a return to normality, since the answer from Norway to " brutal violencia" it will continue being dnsa of " the freedom, the opening, the tolerance and democracia". After being thankful for the solidarity samples " arrivals of all parts of the world and " of each corner of ours pas" , prime minister added that the challenge at the moment of " incommensurable dolor" he is to find a way " between the sadness and esperanza".

Mariano Cabrero Barcena Madrid

There is an old Chinese proverb that says: are OEDE young men, old, children . However, acuity and boys! Our current society has forgotten our children and the elderly, ignoring the latter have already been the first and, God willing, the first will be last. And is that our schools use outdated educational facilities, which provide knowledge but forget to make personasa "jovenesa " which are the real engines for building a better world than ours. History teaches us so, and Ruben Dario (m) also in the wonderful spring song: Juventud, divine treasure, and you'll never return! (…) a . We are prisoners in a world of fear and lack of communication. We need to mourn, we need to laugh, we need to communicate …

Our sorrows and our joys, but communicate. For this, no doubt, we spend our lives a Mendigando humanidada . Let our neighbors are our brothers. Without distinction of race, sexual orientation, sex, religion, disability … The Church Catolicaa "that pertenezcoa " is not the work of such wealth has spread … The Vatican is immensely rich, and the numerous and unnecessary -many of them "religious orders that make up our religion ". They live in monasteries a Reya's body, with good heating, great cars and bodies nourished by overfeeding … Do not say anything about the "Opus Dei" (wealthy, power, power and money!).

and up are a saint!: Maria_Escriva_de_Balaguer our late brother Joseph, who did not merit enough to be canonized (he wrote a Libroo "a Caminoa a " which guides spirit and ideals of this institution. Here are a few paragraphs: 50. You are curious and inquisitive, and ventanero oliscon: do not you ashamed to be, even in the defects, as little men? a "Be a man: and desires to know the other trunked into desires and realities of self-knowledge." By this, no doubt, women are ventaneras. The misogynist character of these words is served. '16. "Adocenarte? a "AYou … the lot!? this way you are born to leader! With us no room for lukewarm. Humble yourself and Christ will turn back on with fires of Love "" 365. If you feel urges to be a leader, your goal will be to: with your brothers, the last, with others, first. "Blended Holds two positions: elitism and warlordism. Both, of course, are synonymous with concentration of power, and absolute primacy of man over woman.) While the streets teeming millions of the disinherited Fortunately … starving and "begging humanity." AMay God forgive us! La Coruna, February 18, 2008 – Mariano Cabrero Barcena * writer (copyright) Mariano Cabrero Barcena Madrid, 08/11/1938 Married, two children and lives in La Coruna (Spain) Writer, poet and essayist of the Administration Officer State / Upper Scale, retired Works: "Journalism: Dificil profession!, 1995" My commitment to journalism, 1998, "Reminiscences of my youth, poems, 1994-Misc death, dreams and memories, poems, 1995-The reality of my silences, poems, 1997-The journey of life, poems, 2001

Rent Exams

The theme for me right now is particularly relevant because is midyear. And why is it always, and especially in the winter, during exams I overcomes this overwhelming feeling of absolute inactivity respect for others and for oneself. On their own experience, I realized that this tiny bit of laziness can even it’s good, because it gives people at least relax a little on the heavy, similar to some other routine. Sometimes you want to feel completely free, not knowing no problems and unrest. But at a time when the lazy fills your mind, does not move, binds all your intentions and feelings, not allowing extra time to do something useful than to himself, and perhaps even to the people around you, and a sense of concern, and whether we can do to prevent this “nasty” permission to a person? So exams. That is three days for the first, and probably particularly important exam.

You are determined to show all their own, albeit not very extensive, knowledge. But suddenly there is this feeling. With each passing hour, approaching you more and more attracted at least five to ten minutes lie down, watch TV, maybe even read a book. And so hour after hour, day pass, the other, and finally the third. And then came that day. Finally you realize that you’re not ready, that everything that you have time – read it, on the strength of ten pages of lectures.

And here it is guilt, a sense of powerlessness and lack of will. You tell yourself that now, if not this nor that you would necessarily prepared. But it’s late and you are going, his head bowed low, and resigned fate, in this exam “life” not knowing what will happen tomorrow. If you are lucky you can even get a good rating or a three. But the worst thing is to get and fail to wait, preparing to ten or twelve days to retake. For me there is no worse time than this ten days. Only now you get to the full of his own conscience and reason. For me there is no worse than the punishment. But then, after all the mulligans and tests, you come out a winner, and quietly live in a haze laziness still half a year until the next time. So draw your own conclusions gentlemen. For me, it has become my lifestyle, but for you it may be just words. Do not succumb to laziness, be active and get more out of life is that it gives you.

CNC Spindle

When withdrawal from parts of tools is considered positive direction 4.2.2. The axes for milling on the milling machine spindle is working support the rotating tool. a) Z-axis machine tool axis, which coincides with the axis of the working spindle or parallel to it, is defined as the axis Z. The positive direction of Z axis runs from the details of the instrument. may find it difficult to be quoted properly. So, if the tool The X-axis X-axis is parallel to the plane of the clamping parts for horizontal milling machine the following applies: If you look at the detail of the spindle, the X-axis positive direction is right.

Y set of coordinates after the determination of the axes Z and X. 4.3. The basic point 4.3.1.Nulevaya point machine zero point of the machine M ('zero machine') is always located at the beginning of the coordinate system of the machine. When setting up the CNC machine, this the zero point of access to all feeder machine, thereby coordinate all indications are set to 0. At this point lathe located in the chuck, usually on a plane all the way flange spindle.

4.3.2.Tochka frame of the machine, however, R may be impossible to start the motion from a zero point of the machine, as this prevents the clamped component or fixture. It is therefore necessary to establish second base point on axes, the so-called benchmark machine R (auxiliary machine zero point). This reference point is needed only for CNC measuring the relative path, since the actual values are lost when power failure or deficiencies.

Air Conditioning

Cooled (or heated) air flow from the air conditioner will be reflected from obstacles and come back with the same temperature, with a "left". Air Conditioning decides that work is done, the right climate and set off. That's happened to my friends. Their air conditioning constantly, "entangled in curtains "and disconnected, unable to bring the temperature up to a given room. I had to call the experts and re-install the system. 5. … Out of alignment – then out of it on the floor will follow the water (condensate), which according to the rules assembly should be given to the drainage tube in a special tank (see our certificate of drainage).

Fourth stage: the walls or floor shtroblenie In order to connect electrical wires and freon tubes between the air conditioner unit Installers punch trough the walls or ceiling (or as they say installers – to be "proshtrobit line"). This is done in case you want to do a hidden line. Sometimes you have to "proshtrobit", for example, Wall and floor apartment. Do not want to Stroebe? Then you can hide the wires in decorative plastic box (sometimes box removed under the plinth). But before that installers will need to connect the two copper tube (refrigerant) and "Ends" of wiring between the external and internal blocks. Make sure that the installers have done this by connecting fittings. And in the pre-punched hole in the outer wall paved "Waterproof glass "with a connecting hose. Adjusters come into place all the necessary equipment is placed in communication Stroebe, drainage tube is placed in Stroebe sloped Then they have to spend so-called vakuumatsiyu communications, and always within 50 minutes (just for this time of the communication will go the "extra" air and moisture).

National System

The National System of Sanitary Monitoring, regulated for Portaria MS 1565 of l994, established the bases for the decentralization of the actions of AIMS In the scope of the SUS. The creation of the ANVISA in l999 promoted the intensification of the relations between the spheres of government and the formalizao of commitments aiming at to the attainment of specific results in the sanitary area. With the objective to organize and to implement the SNVS, it was created and agreed to in 2000 the Term of Adjustment and Metas (TAM) and the term of adhesion to the TAM, through the decentralization of the actions of AIMS AT by means of the accomplishment of partnerships between the parts. New half of view of financial resources of the federal level it saw ANVISA had been established with the purpose to guarantee the decentralized attributions. To have access to these resources the cities would have to be qualified in one of the forms of management established by Basic the Operational Norm of the Only System of Sade (NOB/SUS-01/96) and to prove the existence of administrative structure and capacity technique for the execution of action of IT AIMS AT for complexity level (low, average and high). The politics of incentive to the decentralization fomented for the levels federal and state and the mechanisms of accompaniment, have controlled and evaluation of the use of the resources had brought important advances for the consolidation of the SNVS. To know the situation of them AIMS AT municipal theatres, in the aspects structural and organizacional, especially focused in the human resources and adopted processes of work, it constitutes an important action for the investment in qualification managemental technique and of the workers of the sanitary monitoring. The SANITARY MONITORING IN the MUNICIPAL SCOPE As practical of health, the sanitary monitoring is inserted in the social space enclosing its performance on public sector private in the defense of the population regarding to the institucional rule of the equity and the beginning of the equality.

Domestic Economy

That the scholastic kitchen garden serves to take care of the operation of the scholastic dining room, is an alternate target. It would not want that the educative task is confused to fortify the family economies, consolidating the social organization of the country; with some attempts of colectivista slant, that are embozados attempts of collective farms Luckily, as we insinuated above but, are proliferating initiatives similar to which we encouraged here. Of pure rational that to try to be one, it seemed advisable that a program existed, directive or direction in the matter. Nevertheless, we inclined to make compatible the promotion of the domestic economy, with the deregulation, the privatization and de-monopolisation, that in summary the priority of the market and the competition look for. The progressive implementation of the Domestic Economy, would have to be signed by the creativity and the decentralization. Each family lives in geographic surroundings that determine his the possibilities and the limitations.

There is no site without possibilities, the problem is there, when the precise possibility looks for, where that is not possible. The Domestic Economy in a megalopolis is not the same that in a small town in the Mesopotamia, that in the Pampan West. There is an aspect of this type of economy, so we conceived what it that it must be different from other similar modalities. The production of the domestic economy this destining preponderantly to the consumption of each family. By way of example, if there is surplus, the same can share the neighbors or friendly; and if there is leftover, poultries like, pigs and goats can feed themselves smaller cattle or. This implies that at least at the outset, it does not contemplate commercialization processes that are very complex and weaken priority of the familiar self-supplying. Bond to brief that to transfer the concept of Economy Domestic servant from few happening to the present, imply new dimensions.