Trazate Goals

What prevents that many people reach their personal goals is fear or resistance to change. In other words, fear to adopt habits, attitudes or different actions to the manner in which we have taken so far. What frightens us is leaving your comfort to face new challenges. Now if you think that what lies ahead is better and does not want to stay paralyzed, you must be well convinced and determined to pay the price to assimilate change. Gain insight and clarity with Penguin Random House. Change you must understand it as a process in which you move from point (which represents where are you now) towards a point B (which is your goal) and the process of change is what happens to you in the Middle, i.e. during this journey.

The trigger of your game to accept the change is what issues you have what level of satisfaction in the personal, economic, social, family, etc. If you consider that you are excellent, because you do not need to change, but if you feel that there is something inside it that cries out for change toward something better, listen to it and takes your game. In a practical sense, the first thing you should do is ask yourself which is the current level of personal satisfaction in general?, replying you will have to do so by placing a score with this question number. (from one to ten) and recorded in writing.Once done this, answer the following questions: 1 – why you’ve qualified with that note? 2 – what is what you need so your score would have been greater? 3 – do things that are missing in your life, that shortcomings have? 4 – that unmet needs have been or that you lack? 5 – that is what has had greater weight to make you calificaras you as you did? Apply it to the areas of your life that you consider more urgent to try is advisable in this plan. Of course you can do it whereas several areas, without neglecting none.Do for example, you can start preguntandote how you feel in your family, social, occupational, spiritual life, etc. and around businesses, professional life or economics, you can even be more specific, the following planteandote questions: 1 – how you see your business? 2 – how you feel with your I work in your profession, vocation work?.3.

How do you feel with your income? Now you have a solid foundation, a start from which plotting your goals. What is lacking now is to define your point B, i.e. your horizon, your goal. Fully knowing this will allow you to go in search of the person you want to be. This, we will see in the third part of this article.

Study On Behalf Of The Federal Ministry Of Consumer:

The financial planning Office Niklas & Lehmann informed on the essential aspects of independent asset management and investment advice on a pure fee basis. According to a new study commissioned by the Federal Ministry for consumer protection, German investors annually lose Berlin – between 20 and 30 billion euros by false and Commission-driven advice. The current financial market crisis has revealed again these deficits: \”too often the confidence of investors in the Council by financial intermediaries will be disappointed, for example if, under the guise of competence and seriousness sold unsuitable investments as a secure investment for the retirement\”, said German consumer Minister Aigner on December 22 in Berlin. \”That is not acceptable. \”The interests of consumers should be at the forefront – and not reaching business-internal sales goals by banks or other Commission-oriented financial institutions.\” To test and improve the distribution structures of financial products the Federal Ministry has therefore the study requirements Financial intermediaries more, better quality decisions\”at the research and consulting firm Evers and Jung in order given. The results now contain valuable information and insights about existing protection gaps.

As one of the Central conclusions and recommendations formulated the study: quality issues in the financial intermediation are the most efficient way to resolve if resolves the conflict of interest advice versus product sales. Ideally, the consumer buys a neutral advice and then converts the results with other providers. \”In other countries a such so-called honorary consulting is already significantly more common than in Germany.\” exactly this pure ‘ honorary Consulting we offer our customers since more than two years. \”explains Ulf Niklas, Managing Director and general partner of financial planning Office Niklas & Lehmann oHG in Berlin-Grunewald and Berlin-Mitte. As one of the first pure honorary consultant on the German market at all, we therefore welcome the Results of the new study very. It shows that we have gone the right way from the outset.

Mindjet Power Makers: New Dimension Of Interactive, Visual Information Maps

Dynamic hit conveys immediately list with priorities, deadlines and resources an overview of critical action points in Alzenau, 05 May 2011 – Mindjet, the leading provider of productivity software for enterprises, as well as Internet-based applications to Visual organize and manage information and ideas, offers now Mindjet power marker v3 for all users of MindManager, a quick and easy solution to categorize and highlight priorities, Resource allocations and upcoming deadlines need. Mindjet power marker by the company acquired Haihou consulting, a participant of the Mindjet developer program. Power marker version 3 is available from Mindjet product immediately as fully supported. Mindjet power markers supplemented indexed lists the interactive, Visual maps from MindManager. These enable the users to find key information quickly. A special introductory price of 49 euros is valid until June 30, 2011. The product will be at the following address now downloaded: power marker.

The indexed list created by power marker bring the map content in a linear view that can be easily transferred into other applications. The lists are created automatically on the basis of the existing tags and tags in the maps. Also the solution selects topics with the same characteristics, sorts them and combines them together in lists. Then they are placed in a navigation window next to the map. So, users of complex maps in a window can see all tasks that are not yet completed. By a simple click on a task they can jump directly to the respective position in the map – even if it is hidden in a deeply nested level.

Power marker is offered as an add-on for Mindjet MindManager version 8 and MindManager version 9 for Windows. The introduction of power marker shows how open our API and the Mindjet Developer Network are”, says Uwe Richter, Vice President & General Manager EMEA at Mindjet. The Mindjet Developer Network is a source of the ideal tool to think, create, plan and organize are excellent ideas, our over 1.8 million customers by Mindjet worldwide great value offer.”MindManager maps”, so Nick Duffill, founder of Haihou consulting. List views are handy when it comes to prioritize and launch actions. Power marker is designed to offer the best features of both views of MindManager users.” Mindje the Mindjet software solutions bring together people, ideas and information visually, improve business processes, increase personal productivity and promote innovation. As the only provider, Mindjet combines a Visual productivity application (mind mapping) with a comprehensive collaboration platform. When it comes to the implementation of sales plans, project management, strategic planning, brainstorming and meetings or simply organization, MindManager to master every challenge. More than 1.8 million users and 48 of the top 50 of the most innovative Companies worldwide”(BusinessWeek) are already working with MindManager and improve their productivity and the efficiency of their teams. Surveys have shown that Mindjet can increase productivity by up to 25 percent because meetings, daily communication and project management are more effective and efficient. There are the Mindjet products as purchase or rental version at or through an extensive partner network. Mindjet was founded in 1997. The company headquarters is located in San Francisco and there are offices in Europe and Asia. Press contact: Mindjet GmbH Felicitas von au head marketing roof & EE Siemensstrasse 30 63755 Alzenau Tel: + 49 (0) 6023 9645 508 HBI international PR & MarCom Antonia contato account Director Tel.: + 49 (0) 89 99 38 87 42 fax: + 49 (0) 89 93 02 445