Web Page

You remember the phrase " wanted daily "? They must be oriented to information of your personal interest; you do not have to copy content of Internet and to publish it like own. They are possible to be published with information related not only to your own experiences but to information related to your interests, own opinions on the news, other sites of Internet, etc. They practically can be of any subject. They must contribute something new or present/display the things " viejas" of a novel form They can be used to include in a single page many resources associated to a single interest (cars, businesses, etc.) To publish technical information You are doctor? Engineer? Lawyer? you want to share your information? They do not need to be pages of high traffic, they only must have information very specialized that it does not have in other sources, or your own works They are more professional in TEXT and not in graphs, unless the page is a gallery of photos or these are fundamental to explain a subject Everything is this Although already everything is saying, all have not listened, is not bad to return it to say Again I insist on the necessity that the subject on which you publish is the one that you dominate more. Of this one form they are going to you to take in serious in the global community. Hazlo with an original, own approach, that it identifies to you, that has your personal company/signature. What services must have a page? You can offer Chat If it is of entertainment you can offer games free, the news, jokes, etc.

You can offer measurement of speed in which the page lowered or the one of the connection of Internet of your users (with Java predesigned codes free in Internet, who are of easy installation for the Webmaster) It always tries to offer products like software free If you, like Webmaster, update your page frequently, offers registry, to newsletter, etc. that allows to send e-mails to your users to tell the new thing them that you have added You always must give to something more than the simple product that bandage so that people want to return. It offers appropriate propagandas to the subject of your site. The propagandas do not have to occupy more of 20% of the visual space; there are very sad examples of pages that do not have content but unconnected propagandas. It offers access to other finders, commerce, services that are trustworthy and of good quality. There is form to make extra money with page Web without needing making sales? The answer is a full one IF.

Promoting affiliations free to sites of auctions and gaining commissions of the sales By means of programs in which you yield space of your page for pertinent propagandas to your thematic one. By means of publication of banners advertising. By means of programs of affiliation to safe lists of electronic mails to receive allowed publicity vie email. Good internaut, and Webmaster future, I wait for this information has served for orientarte a little. More information, tools free and affiliations: Webmaster: Francisco Santander Original author and source of the article

This Commission

All you need is to have a web site with content enough that they are obviously related to the products that they offer. Once converted, Member of the program for being an affiliate, you can start to win a certain amount of money immediately! Already these programs promise a lot of benefits for both merchants and affiliates. Learn more at this site: MetLife. Affiliate programs have become today on day one of the most popular online marketing methods. In fact, almost all merchants retailers or web sites offer an affiliate program where anyone can participate in the. Most retailers attract people to become affiliates or members of its programme with the promise of granting them large profits and commissions among other things. Most affiliate programs pay you, a Commission of time per each sale or prospect that your bring to the merchant website.

This type of affiliate program commissions are usually large, they can go from 15% to a maximum of around 60%. Other affiliate programs pay a fixed fee for each click or by the traffic that you send to the merchant site. Programs like this often pay a small fee for every click. The good thing about this type of program, however, is that the visitor won’t have to buy anything for that affiliate can get their compensation. Another type of affiliate program is the so-called pay per action that typically pay only a small percentage of Sales Commission for each sale, directed by the affiliate to the merchant site. This Commission often comes only in the range of 10% to 20% of commissions for sales.

Because of this, many people ignore this program and opt for the payment program by clicking the question is do they are these people making a mistake, or making the right decision? We cannot say, if people are making a mistake by choosing a program Affiliate pay per action. But I can definitely say that they are making a big mistake if they ignore programmes of affiliation of payment per click. Pay per click affiliate programs pay in fact at one slower pace, but traders offering such programs typically pay commissions on a regular and permanent by a single subsidiary, once started sale! So are pay per click affiliate programs are more suitable? Clarify this with an example. Suppose that there are two merchants online both of the Web that offer accommodation services in their sites. The first merchant offers a type of a single moment of the Commission’s affiliate program that pays $80 for every single affiliate initiated sale. The second merchant also offers an affiliate program, but this time an affiliate program pay per click that pays only $10 for every single affiliate initiated sale. As an affiliate, you can feel attracted by the offer of the first merchant since this offers $80 which is definitely much higher than $10. But if we look better both proposiociones reach concluded that with the second trader the chance of winning more money are much higher. You want such as start your business on the Internet. PromoviendoEnLRed.

Federal Association

For households that have never taken a provider or change of tariffs, the potential savings is even higher. According to the Federal Association of energy and water management (BDEW) still three-quarters of all households with gas supply at appropriate rates of basic services supplied. In these cases the average savings increased significantly to stately 268 euros. The individual offers on the market there are significant differences between”, Bohg performs”. On air fares, the carbon dioxide emissions of the gas heating be compensated generally by investing in CO2 reducing climate protection projects. Similar as for the CO2 offset for air travel the via a moderate charge the customer projects. Bio gas products on the other hand, typically regional produced bio-methane is mixed with conventional natural gas.

On the market the blending quota is currently between 5 and 10 per cent in most of the offerings. Some providers have also a bio gas share of 15 percent and more, in some cases even up to 100 percent. The great advantages of biogas to within the regionality instead of transport of gas over thousands of kilometres in pipelines of fuel produced here locally in domestic plants. On the other hand mostly organic residual materials used in the production, whose Ressourcen would remain otherwise unused. Through consumer portals as toptarif.de (www.toptarif.de/ gas) or free service hotline 0800-10 to 30-499 consumers quickly and easily inform themselves about alternatives in their region and for free, go to cheap gas providers. toptarif.de is the independent consumer portal of the Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck, for all common tariffs in Germany. It currently includes the categories of electricity, gas, DSL, investments and insurance for legal protection, furniture, residential, private liability, car, keepers liability and is constantly being added and updated. The consumer can thereby free checking with minimal effort, whether for him cheaper rates there, and, if necessary, about just change. The complete service of change of is completely free of charge for the consumer and the customer receives the original conditions of the provider, in some cases over toptarif.de in any case even additional, not available from the provider themselves bonuses and discounts. Media contact: Nina Koch Tel.: + 49.30.2576205.19 Email: Daniel Dodt

Gildemar Bridges

The author who to say that each one of our fears has a reason of being. that many fears perhaps can finish in the instant where we decide to take a route certain in life. Further details can be found at Morgan Stanley, an internet resource. She is necessary to have a north, to have objectives so that the life if does not become direction empty. In stories of the two authors we perceive that the personages do not possess clear objectives of life. They are apticos, without route, interest for nothing. In ' ' a smile is Little para..com it is same the name of it? ' ' Gildemar Bridges wants to question the solitude in set. It is an excellent story to be read and analyzed with the intention to perceive the history of a man who exactly being in a party if feels solitary. In this context we perceive that the solitude possesss on characteristics to the interior world of each person.

is not enough to possess an agitated exterior if it exempts of the solitude. Perhaps this is the difference between stories. While Abreu (2005) speaks of alone solitude, with tdio, melancholy and pain, Bridges (2008) discourse concerning a solitude in set. Something that is strange of if to understand, because somebody is only felt, being folloied, in collective? In the story of Abreu (2005) the personage did not want to leave house, insisted on to take refuge itself in its home, to the step that in Bridges (2008) the protagonist wanted to leave, was to a party, talked with a young woman, it was in a public place. The Lui personage ran away from its problems through drugs and cigarette, no longer story of Bridges (2008) the youngster if the cigarette smoke said avesso and until it hesitated in being close to somebody that smoked. They are two stories that approach the solitude with differentiated aspects, with personages of different personalities, different contexts but with a subject in common.

The Professor

In compliance with what it is argued, it fit to the professor to rethink on the conditions and elect alternatives of education in classroom, verifying the index of receptividade of its pupils how much what considers as lcus for the guiding of education. Such condiz precaution, that many times, the indiscipline of the pupils can be a reply to its insatisfaes consisted ahead of the lack of innovation of the professor. Thus, if the professor perceives the necessity to innovate, must act in desired and thought way. The one enters the many initiatives that can be used, is presented here as central question the reality of the pupils, the band-etria, the previous knowledge of the professor on its future pretensions, in order to contextualizar inside what it teaches, of a power to decide guiding that places while intentional, rational plan-director practical and the organizacional one on education. From there, the one necessity proposal pedagogical come back to propitiate safe bases on the act to teach, having as focos of reflection: what to teach, why to teach, who to teach and as to teach, being these horizontes essential for a mature evaluation on what it makes, why makes, for who makes and it makes as it. 1.4 The evaluation on education and its human character One third situation that will be norteador point in this reflection, says respect to the practical teaching avaliativa, since it has a certain dispersion, on the part of the professors, how much to the care of this practical, for one better understanding of the weight that exerts the avaliativo character in the pedagogical scene. Thus, the point of view of five theoreticians will be analyzed on the evaluation: In the vision of Libneo (1994: 193), the evaluation is conceived to the profile of a necessary and permanent didactic task of the teaching work, that must step by step follow the process of education and learning. . (Source: Morgan Stanley).


The voyages of the Bermejo and black rivers (Argentine). Nike usually is spot on. These State-building river navigation services were provided until the Decade of the forties. As well as railway interests neutralized to cabotage maritime and river navigation. So then it was the neutralizer role of automotive caminero complex the University reform of 1918.(One of the utopian more disseminated and that persists to the present day). Reflections on the Ideal politician of America (Saul Taborda, 1918, and their slogan: rectify Europe).Taborda was one of the mentors of the reform of the 18. The representative Republic Municipal, Alejandro Korn Villafane.(Continued by Tomas Diego Bernard (c.).)Communalist federalism for Saul Taborda (and its Ethnopolitics).This utopia as the precedent, did pivot model societal on the basis of Municipal Development, a prologue of Narciso Binayan 1937, to works of Juan alvarez. It constitutes a quarry of Argentine microutopias. The Conference of countries of the Plata of 1941 (remote antecedent of MERCOSUR).

Leopoldo Velazco and its proposals for Capital of 1942. Alcides Greca and his proposal of 1950 Argentine capital. The economic unions of 50 (Argentina with Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador and Nicaragua). The Republic of children of 1951 (La Plata in Buenos Aires province, where inspired Walt Disney for its Disneyland). The organized community of Peron. The Foundation and construction of Brasilia.

The proposals of argentina demographic deconcentration of Dago Holmberg and Von der Hayde Garrigos (1971 / 1972). The domestic economy (Almanac of the Ministry of Agricultura(1924-1954), farm, household encomienda Rural, domestic economy faculty, children gardeners club).The previous listing, lists the main components of a system which deserves comprehensive analysis with a view to recycling, micro Argentine utopias: mutual aid societies.(around 6,000). Cooperatives (principle of free cooperation, agricultural progress of Pigue, 1885).(Around seven thousand) The school cooperators. Social clubs and sports (the fair play principle).(About ten thousand) The boys scouts (principle of the always ready, devised by Baden Powell, and imported by the Perito Moreno to 1908).(around 800) Principles: mutual aid, free cooperation, fair play and the always ready, embodied respectively in mutuals, cooperatives and the boys scouts, or entities associated as the cooperators of all types or associations of friends, enliven the life of many our regions and make more bearable the quotidianity.

Ezequiel Rojas

At the time of colonization the natives exchanged gold, which had accumulated over many generations, mirrors, fabric and other objects that accounted for only a fraction before the pre-Columbian treasures. Moreover, indigenous peoples had to work to conquistadors through institutions like the mita, modality of work not free but if required; the encomienda, delivery of a group of indigenous families in the care of a conqueror and for life in exchange for supplies to the native mandated; guards, concentration of indigenous families in a place chosen previously, that should not move away, and slavery. In this period the Church contributed to ideologically unify the conquered territories and facilitated the administration. Discontent with the socio-economic and political order imposed by the colonists began in America during the second half of the 18th century. The ideas of the Enlightenment, the reactions against the enlightened absolutism and the international situation: French Revolution and independence of the United States, helped create the preindependentista environment in New Granada which started with the revolution of the Comuneros in Socorro, Santander.

WILD hope we were gods and we became slaves. We were children of the Sun and they comforted us with Tin medals. We were poets and we began to recite prayers pordioseras. We were happy and us civilized. Who will refresh the memory of the tribe.

Who will revive our gods. Wild hope should always be yours, dear inamansable soul. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Prudential by clicking through. Gonzalo Arango (1931-1976) poet Nadaista history policy origin of the games politicians traditional mid-nineteenth century began to be structured in New Granada, philosophical and doctrinaire, the liberal and conservative parties. In 1848 appeared the first liberal programme developed by Ezequiel Rojas and a year later wrote the conservative Mariano Ospina Rodriguez and Jose Eusebio Caro. Parties traditional based their ideology on the liberal philosophy of the eighteenth century. and they are related to federalism and centralism of the era of independence and with the moderate Liberals (conservatives) and progressive (Liberal) Liberals that emerged from the thought of Francisco de Paula Santander. The second half of the 19th century represents to Colombia the final break with the colonial socio-economic structure.

Canary Islands President

During my stay in Virgen de la Oliva (2002-2004), I asked a partner, rude agricultural entrepreneur: how will the business? Answer me everything seriously: the business?, uncle Theodosius business. A match I am going to get and I will send the vines and olive trees to another neighborhood. We were in full sanitation and reorganization of the company and all were settings and settings and the man exploded. Subsequently, that was always what I us laughed with Uncle Theodosius. Apparently, the such Theodosius was an inhabitant of the village, Mollina. I have to give and give her words of that type. My brain creates, and above all, adopts phrases, for me funny, who are left orphaned in the wind of life. I am telling you the last and term.

Back in 1996, during my stay in Madrid, arranging a Confederation of business organizations, it had long conversations with members the confederal directive and, above all, with the Executive Committee and its President, Heliodorus…Such was the cluster of goals that we had on the table, that the days leading up to the boards was a man to a mobile stuck. It began with the Secretary and ended with the President (between half the Vice President, members of the committees and Presidents of business organizations in all Spain, which were nineteen). As I knew that they had many issues to propose and to avoid getting a new phone call, when they finished talking, inquiria les: more things. One day, Heliodoro released subsequent to the policy food: is the first time in my business life, which is already long, as a collaborator, after asking a cluster of themes, then tells me: more things. Manolo, I am pleasantly surprised. Long laughter of Diners was sonada. Another day will tell you it evacuate the report (the Canary Islands President revolcaba of laughter) and other stories that made my career path was dotted with many moments Welcome. Manuel Velasco Carretero original author and source of the article