Archaeological Intervention

Introduction the present report intends to give to know the result of the carried through archaeological intervention in the scope of the construction of the Vincci Hotel, in the Decrease of Lisbon, in the Street of Is Julio, 47-57/Rua of the Commerce, 32-38. The archaeological works had been of the responsibility of the Signatory, jointly with C. Rabbit, having the same ones been after executed authorization of the Portuguese Institute of Archaeology, in accordance with the legislation in vigor; namely: Decree n. 107/2001, of 8 of September (Law of the Cultural Patrimnio) and of the Decree n. 270/1999, of 11 of June (Regulation of archaeological works). The works had been executed in two phases. A first one that it elapsed of 18 of December of 2006 the 23 of February of 2007, and one second phase, that elapsed between June and August of 2007 (the two phases of hollowing had had a hiato, other people’s to it equips of Archaeology, and that it was arrested with questions of security guard in the workmanship, that had compelled to the execution of micron-it would estake).

The place one meets registered in cadastre with CNS 21930. 2. Antecedents the area for us intervencionada already had been white of archaeological works. Carried through in 2004, under direco of the archaeologist Ana Barbosa Wood, the archaeological works aimed at safeguard it of eventual structures or elements of archaeological and/or patrimonial interest. During the execution of the related works to pombalinos vestiges and daily pay-pombalinos had been identified. In sounding B to a structure consisting of limy blocks and on brick of donkey for mortar, guided in direction NW had been identified. The responsible archaeologist admits the possibility of if dealing with structures daily pay-pombalinas, data that its orientation is contrary to the comumente used one in the pombalinas constructions (axle N-S). The Archaeologist relates despite, in one another sounding, assigned for sounding D, a pombalino sewer was identified, or after-pombalino.