They must, at last, to feed the dream of that is possible to transform the reality. The interdisciplinaridade does not estimate juxtaposition of disciplines, but yes possibilities to correlate them in activities or study projects, more search and pedagogical practical action for to be one and didactic one adjusted to the objectives of Average Ensino. However currently it has been more used for great part of the educators of Basic Ensino since such position guarantees the construction of the knowledge in global way, breaching with the borders disciplines them, therefore only the integration of the contents already is not more satisfactory. When applied already in the initial series of Basic Ensino, the professors must stimulate the pupils to construct to relations between the different contents gifts in the diverse ones discipline of the resume, stage that would not be in the interaction and reciprocity between sciences, but would reach a period of training where he would not have more borders you discipline between them. In the educational projects, interdisciplinares the pupil does not have time certain to learn, does not exist marked date, it learns not only to all hour and in the classroom. Then, she is necessary to teach to learn it, to study end of that it establishes a direct and personal relation with the acquisition of knowing that even so acquired individually, the knowledge is a totality. The child, the young and the adult learn when they possess a life project and the content of education is significant for the accomplishment of the same.
The learning involves emotion and reason in the reproduction process and creation of the knowledge. The methodology of the work to interdisciplinar estimates to integrate the contents, passing of a fragmentary conception for a unitria conception of the knowledge, in order to surpass the dichotomy enters education and research, considering the study and the research from the contribution of diverse sciences, having the teach-learning centered in a vision of that we learn throughout all the life. The pedagogical action through the interdisciplinaridade propitiates the construction of a participativa and decisive school in the social formation of the individual, as well as one practical collective and solidary one in organization of the school. A project to interdisciplinar of education will have to be marked by a general vision of the education, in a progressive and liberating direction. The Interdisciplinaridade is an advance in the education ' ' because you discipline it does not dilute them, in contrast, it keeps its individuality, integrating them from the understanding of the multiple causes or factors that intervine on the reality and works all the necessary languages for the constitution of knowledge, communication and negotiation of meanings and systematic register of the results. BRAZIL (1999, P. 89).