* Standard auction (English auction). Used an open format proposals (all buyers are aware of each other's sentences.) Seller assigns an initial (starting) price, then buyers come into the competitive the struggle by imposing prices above the initial (usually 3%). The one who at the end of the auction to combat the highest bidder. * Dutch auction – the opposite of English. Although also used open format offers, bidding starts with a pre-inflated, an unacceptable price, which has consistently decreased, while one of the buyers would not agree to accept it. * Auction offers simultaneous (first-price, sealed bid). Used proprietary format offers.
All buyers simultaneously administered prices (usually in writing), not knowing about the offer of their opponents. The one who offers the highest price. * Double Auction (double auction). Suggestions simultaneously received from the seller and buyer (an equilibrium price). The most commonly used for electronic exchange. * The auction closed sentences (second-price sealed bid).
Buyer or seller of secret deals made in within a specified time. Winner buys the goods at a price that preceded the maximum. Suppose that A buyer makes an offer of 10 dollars, the buyer B – $ 15 and buyer C – $ 20. Clearly, that the buyer wins, which gave the maximum sentence – the buyer C, but it does not pay the amount offered to them, and the last set before him – the proposed buyer B ($ 15 instead of $ 20.) List of major auctions for you here. My Account here.