The increase of the credit uncontrols, it budgetary and the consumistas impulses are preoccupying factors for the Brazilian economy. The research of domestic budget search to improve and to stimulate the familiar control of the expenditures and prescriptions. To facilitate to the visualization and the control the program of electronic spread sheets Microsoft Office Excel was used. The budget must be organized searching the control of the indebtedness and the contigent fund creation of, identifying expenses to be cancelled or reduced and stimulating the saving as alternative to reach the financial balance. Word-key: Budget, domestic servant deep indebtedness and. 1 INTRODUCTION 1,1 Contextualizao the control of the domestic expenditures is essential for the financial planning of the families.
She is necessary to review consumption habits, to search always to increase the income and to keep a good control of the expenses to reach the balance. The dialogue with the relatives for the establishment of goals of consumption and saving is very important. As to develop a domestic budget through the control of prescriptions and expenditures to reach one definitive financial balance? The current economic situation of Brazil, with the increase of the income and the credit, is fully favorable for the expansion of the consumption of the families and consequence improves in the quality of life. In 2006 the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), launched the Index of Desenvolvimento Social (IDS) to evaluate the social differences between some Brazilian regions states being folloied the annual evolution of pointers in the education area, health and income. The indicating income, according to research, increased between 2005 and 2006 10.2%. The research concludes affirming that the growth of the income and the investment is a to be kept trend. Although these optimistical projections for the future, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE) presented given favorable on the capacity of saving in its last Research of Familiar Budgets (POF), carried through between June of 2002 and July of 2003.