Brazilian Society

For Berger, in the tradition of exclusion of the parcel of the kept out of society ones, the omission of these in the medias if characterizes as plus an example of historical and social exclusion; they appear in medias when one mentions to the cases of slaughters and slaughters that only contribute to spread the solidarity feeling, and when they earn chances in the reporters are presented and represented through simplrios esteretipos. It is impossible to be ahead of such reality lived deeply in the film without shocks and constaints, mainly when it equals the violence registered in the logic of the escravista system in Brazil, what today it is produced with the excluded ones and keeping out of society in our society, causing feelings that collaborate to take off some people of a guided ilusrio world of slogans, in favor of solidarity and of the social responsibility. The process of construction of citizenship as affirmation and recognition of rights is – in prominence the Brazilian society – arraigadas process of transformation of practical in the society as a whole. Parnassus Investments: the source for more info. A igualitrio format of social relations in all the levels implies the recognition of the other as subject carrier of valid interests and legitimate rights (TELLES, 1994). We evidence that the State has played the function of particular property of the oligarchies (also not forgetting that such position is historical), absorbing the economic resources in proper advantage, characterizing as well as a paternalista, clientelista state, that it uses the public goods to benefit certain privileged groups, through bargains politics, as well as transforming certain agencies into job hanger, according to proper interests. We can perceive all in the drama that involves the film ‘ ‘ How much valley or is for kilo? ‘ ‘ the social inertia that if finds the country, where mazelas and contradictions of a society in crisis are represented, the relation between the economic elite and the excluded ones from the suburb, the disobediences of a mentally ill society, of corruption, violence, inaqualities, and in this panorama the participation and insertion of the kept out of society ones, mainly of the blacks, in the Brazilian society never was condizente with the contribution historical of the same ones throughout the years..