A Service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer another. The service is in its essence is an intangible and does not lead to the transfer of ownership. Rent a hotel room, keeping money in the bank (Deposit), hops on a plane to see a doctor, haircut in the barber shop, sporting events, movies, car repairs, advice from a lawyer – all daily operations associated with the acquisition of services. However, it should be noted that, along with the production of goods, many industrial enterprises also provide a range of services including – delivery, repair and maintenance of equipment, training programs for its use, technical assistance. Moreover, many service providers, along with its core business and also sell physical goods. Read more from Ebay to gain a more clear picture of the situation. For example, airlines offer a wide variety of meals, drinks, newspapers, which are an integral part of the basic services – air travel. Pretty rare to find an organization that provides goods or services in a pure form. Connect with other leaders such as Dan Zwirn here. In an attempt to find a difference between goods and services would be more appropriate to consider the concept of a continuum “product-service” with a variety of options for combinations, ranging from the dominance of the product and ending with a predominance of services.
Firms can get the advantage of choosing the most suitable position on the continuum and altering the balance of tangible and intangible elements of his proposal. For example, a manufacturer of built-in kitchens can improve their quality offer, providing customers services of a professional designer and consultant. When you create a marketing program the company should take into account the five characteristics of services: intangibility, inseparability, impermanence, fragility and lack of ownership. Many outstanding in the definition of “service”. For example, it is difficult to guess what the meaning of invest authors of publications 1, using the concept of “services” as service in the translation from English include terms such as “service, service, maintenance, servicing, maintenance, and others” whose meaning can be different.