Cervialgia (Cervical Pain)

Merino Hilario. Service of Osteopathy, Musculo-skeletal, C.M. Rusiol. Introduction It represents a reason for very frequent consultation. It is fundamental to realise one complete clinical history, similarly, is essential to carry out a detailed exploration of the mobility of the neck and the neurological deficits. Soon to diagnose.

The cervialgia can have a: Mechanical problems They appear between the base of the skull and the first vertebrae of high the cervical column, represented by the joints occipito-atlanto-axoidea and third cervical one. That it presents/displays syndromes painful by direct or indirect traumatisms, efforts, incorrect positions. That they pay attention to muscles later of the neck. Inferiors plane in and superior are subdivided in their same. – Inferiors: They are located below the third cervical one to surface and deep. – Superiors: Where it affects is to occipito-atloidea, atloido-axoidea joint along with the nerves and glasses of the region. The cervical pains that constitute the crvico-cefalalgias in intimate relation with the occipito-atloidea joint.

Neuronal problems The migraines are a common symptom that the person suffers who them presents/displays a psychic picture distressed, sad, little kind. In advanced cases one would be little thoughtful or coordinated, it does not allow him to rest well, it undergoes intense mareos, you feel nauseous All these causes with due to vasomotor manifestations which will mainly take part in the vertebral artery and the likeable one, which they accompany the cervical roots. Mobility of the artery is alterations of likeable sanguineous irrigation along with the disturbance of the glass, that regulates the circulation of the brain and the encephalic axis. In relation to the elements I tilt nervous of the oriented transverse channel towards the affected cervical vertebral portion. Also they generate the compression of the package I tilt nervous when happening through plexo brachial and to go downwards from the furrow of the transverse apophysis that produces irritations by the nervous roots.