Thus, at any point, dimension and content, the elaboration donates EIA/RHYMES always will be demanded. It can be concluded that all the activities that of some form are impactantes to the environment will have a EIA/RIMA. These studies and reports could be used as base for the accomplishment of one future ambient accounting. OAK (2011) presents in its workmanship a very interesting detailing of the use of the EIA/RIMA for the assembly of a process of ambient accounting. It presents, also, a suggestion of a Chart of accounts for the elaboration of a Patrimonial Rocking (BP) and the Demonstrative of Results of Exerccio (DRE) in processes countable ambient. As the author proves, she is possible to make an association enters the EIA/RIMA with the accountings for the accomplishment of an ambient accounting.
For example, a project where the EIA/RIMA relates an ambient impact where the modification of the system of draining of the ground will produce the disappearance of the existing heath provoking the waterproofing of the ground, can be registered as an ambient countable fact of referring monetary value to the cost inferred for the actual damage for the increase of the winds in result of the loss of vegetation, alterations in the superficial draining and generation of discarding material. One another example where the EIA/RIMA presents the necessity of recovery of the ground with the use of punishments and fertilizers, can be launched as an ambient countable fact of a monetary value corresponding to the expenditures to recoup the degraded environment, aiming at to the protection, conservation or the ambient preservation. One EIA/RIMA where it indicates the necessity of the plantation of trees of great transport in the perimeter of the land with the purpose to create a natural barrier of protection to the wind, as well as the plantation of fruitful trees of the attractive flora of avifauna natural, can be launched as a referring ambient countable fact to the spent monetary value for the acquisition of changes of trees for use in reforestation for the recovery of the degraded environment.