Regional portal allows easy entry into online marketing and mobile card payment Sambasivan, October 28, 2013; The demand local information on the Internet. Nevertheless, many entrepreneurs still leverage the potential of the digital business: too complex the issues, to small budgets. simplifies the entry now and brings together offerings for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in online and mobile marketing, as well as adjacent areas. The new Web platform Appunto entrepreneurs control their online marketing activities centrally on the main pages. The mobile card payment provider’s premier iZettle, Europe, has developed a range that makes it easy and cheap mobile card payment acceptance company. We are the ideal partner for those who want to support the success of their business on the spot digital”as Georg Konjovic, Chief Executive Officer of iZettle is a strategic partner for us in this context. In our many years of experience in the local and regional Internet flows a.
Appunto designed facing entrepreneurs, who have little time and want to professionally Act.” With Appunto companies control their activities on the major platforms: Facebook, Google + Twitter and my town. Companies can not only centrally manage online-tool contact info about that. You can also contact their customers in dialog, control actions, and check the results. The service was for use on Tablet PCs and Smartphones are optimized. So, E.g. dealers can set spontaneous promotions directly in a retail shop on the Smartphone and publish.
Online marketing is the daily tool of entrepreneurs. Yet at the beginning of the theme is in Germany against mobile card payment. Mobile card payments have many advantages for trade and local services. IZettle won a strategic partner here. How it works simple and mobile acceptance of card payments: the mini smart card reader from iZettle, the its customers under offers izettle at special rates, suitable both for iOS – Android powered devices.