Coastal Region Of The Amap

The coastal region of the State of the Amap approximately possesss a linear extension of 650 km and a 67.518 area of km2, defined on the basis of the geographic area of the cities. Thus, according to PNGP National Plan of Coastal Management, the coastal region of the Amap, presents following the two setorizaes: The first call of Atlantic or oceanic coastal sector – coastal space correspondent above of the River Araguari, enclosing the cities of Tartarugalzinho, Pracuuba, Amap, Caloene and Oiapoque. This sector corresponds the 450 km of extension and 57,001 km2 of area, representing 40% of amapaense total surface and 84% of the coastal zone. It shelters less than 10% of the population of the State, with a demographic density sediments amount of and water are related with the estuarino system of the River Amazon, responsible for the launching to the sea of enormous candy, that is dragged by chains, having gone to deposit throughout the coast, being formed extensive mud plain. Had the intense action of the tides and chains d’ water in this region occurs the modelao of the coast of the Amap, configuring spaces characterized for the predominance of the performance of erosive processes and another phenomena where if they strict observe bands of addition of materials (Handle Cassipor and Cabo Orange). Studies developed for the Federal University of Par, in the coast of the Amap, have demonstrated and quantified the hydrodynamic conditioning in the formation of the coastal space of this region. By the way of the ocorrentes manguezais throughout the Atlantic coastal sector, whose composition truily denotes the degree of influence of the estuary of the River Amazon, it makes an impression for the extension of its forests, being estruturamente well formed, with average height between 20 meters and 30 meters, distinguishing itself three predominant florsticos types: the 1 – siriubal, environment dominated for siriba (Avicenia germinans, Jacq.); – the mangal, environment dominated for red fen (2 Rhizophora spp.) and 3 – the tintal, environment dominated for the tinteira (racemosa Laguncularia Gaertn.) In such a way, these characteristics, characterize the coastal region of the Amap as of great importance for biological productivity, mainly how much to the supplies of fish, shrimp and crustaceans.