Communitarian Agents

accomplishment of research in this area if makes ahead necessary of possible difficulties faced for the health professionals, to fulfill with all the goals, such as: to know the reality of the families, to prevent, to identify and to treat illnesses, that are the main objectives of the ESF, that also tries to reduce the number of patients in hospitals being made with that these receive attendance domiciliary. In this direction, the present study it has as objective to evaluate the satisfaction of the users referring to the care in health given for the multiprofessional team, being had as objective specific to describe the activities in the ESF, according to Health department, to evaluate the participation of the population in the carried through activities and to evaluate the production of the team according to System of Information of Ateno Bsica (SIAB). The health of the family was initiated in June of 1991, with the implantation of the Program of Communitarian Agents of Sade (PACS) and in January of 1994 the first teams had been formed, incorporating the performance of the agents in average of a communitarian agent (ACS) for 575 folloied people. Currently, the number of person for 400 ACS is of at least and maximum of 750. (COAST, 2004) For Brazil (2004), the Health of the Family is understood as a strategy of reorientation of the assistencial model, operacionalizada by means of the implantation of multiprofessional teams in basic units of health, which are responsible for the accompaniment of a definite number of families, located in an established geographic area. The teams act with action of promotion of the health, prevention, recovery, more frequent whitewashing of illnesses and agravos, and in the maintenance of the health of this community. The main objective of the ESF is to reorganize the practical one of attention to the health, basing itself on new conceptual bases. . .