Conservative Party

Bo and Da are the initial syllables of Boris Johnson and David Cameron. Both are the new British figures that will put to be in center of the world as London approaches to be soothes Olympic of the 2,012. The first symptom of the setback of the present government Labour Party member is the fact who Boris snatched the mayorship to them of London the 1 of May and the final summit of this process would be when for 2.010 May David more likely it removes to them from the power. Boris and David are young politicians who head the Conservative Party older than he has. Both will be able to remove to the main exponent of third via at global level to give to passage to a new thatcherismo more renewed, less derechizado and more worried in social, familiar and ecological questions. If today Peking wants to show the world enterprise Comunism, for the following Olympic Games of London Wedding they will want to show to a social conservatism . Original author and source of the article.