Cultural History

The piscador is if communicating e, in fact, if communicating of one it forms needs and special, deliberately, to somebody in particular, to contract the eyelid and to blink while what it only has one tique nervous it executed one contracted the eyelid. To contract eyelids on purpose, when a public code exists in which to act thus means a signal conspiratrio, is to blink. It is everything that has the respect: a particle of behavior, a signal of culture and voil! one gesto.’ ‘ (GEERTZ, 1989) the concern with the hermeneutics, through the significao acts, will give to this author has detached enters the theoreticians German of Cultural History. In Brazil, in the last decades, the workmanship of Geertz comes expressivamente being deals and interpreted, as allied of the new historiogrficas constructions. Burke in its book ‘ ‘ What it is Cultural History; ‘ 200 years in Germany it already was practised, had histories on determined human groups, regions nations. The term culture was each more employed time in the Europe, mainly in the conflituosas questions between the Church and the State, as it happens in Germany in 1870 in a known conflict as ' ' the fight for cultura' ' or ' ' war cultural' '. What it happens is the division of cultural history at four moments, where the first one would be the classic phase, portraying subjects renascentistas, worried in studying the connections between the different arts, when interpreting paintings, poems, among others, searched evidences of the culture and the period where they had been produced, arriving itself thus at the study of the culture of a people. After that the focus for social history was changed of the art, where many historical contributions had come of sociologists as Max Weber, quesegundo Burke, works with the question of the cultural roots of the dominant economic system in the Europe Occidental person and America, workmanship intitled of ' ' The Protestant Ethics and Capitalista&#039 spirit; ' , that it had as main axle to present a cultural explanation for the economic changes. .