This, according to Curricular Lines of direction of Curitiba, must praise its development in all the dimensions of the human being. In this pertaining to school universe the diversity, the difference and the inaquality if also make gifts in the ethnic and cultural questions. The respect for the diversity must be worked in all the areas of knowledge, being one of the forms effectively to include the diversity in the academic resume and exploring the culture afro-Brazilian due its innumerable possibilities of approach. In Brazil, in recent years, the concern of educators and legislators in mentioning the dance in its works and projects has been evident. It is in this perspective of the diversity and of the multiplicity of proposals and actions that characterize the world contemporary who would be interesting to launch a look more criticizes on the dance in the school. The dance and the culture afro-Brazilian would be one in the ways to present to the pupils a loaded newness of this educative potential, therefore in its teaching we use the conscientious movement to express ideas, thoughts and reflections in the scopes philosophical, social and politicians. Beyond valuing the culture of the blacks and its descendants.
On the basis of the present reality in the majority of the schools we can question the possibility to work the dance and culture afro-Brazilian next to the pupils with the formative character, as corporal culture, approaching the diversity, the difference and the inaquality between them. 3. 3,1 OBJECTIVES Generality: To consider the culture afro-Brazilian in the docncia lessons and Physical Education and to oportunizar to alunos/as the knowledge of some types of dance afro, as well as in the history lessons promoting new experiences, assuring the cultural formation and human being of the learning. 3.2 Specific: – To make a theoretical presentation of the culture afro-Brazilian, with the possibility of its identification and agreement as popular culture; – To promote reflections on this cultural manifestation; – To offer to dance workshops trying some afros rhythms, searching corporal forms, techniques to know to create and to recriar movements of spontaneous and creative form; – To improvise and to elaborate significant choreographies for the learning being had as subject the culture afro-Brazilian.