Damson Saulo

It answered: Here it is me here, Gentleman. 11 He commanded you to it: He raises you, he goes to the called street Right and looks in house of Judas a man of called Tarso Saulo; therefore here it is that it is praying; This above-mentioned and rich text in details, when Saulo fell for land when seeing the Gloria of God. In (the v. 4), say that it heard the voice of Christ calling for the proper name. No longer (v.5) Saulo calls Christ Sir, in (v.6) the Christ it of the one order and it obeys, (v.9) it says that already it had three days that Saulo was without eating and to drink liquid and in (v.11) the Christ said the Ananias that Saulo was praying. Ahead of these truths we can affirm that Saulo had a genuine conversion.

It not even had received Christ in the heart and Christ already said with it, Saulo answered calling Jesus Sir, not and as many evanglicos that when Christ mentions itself to it call it you forgetting that in all the Bible it and data the name Sir. How many singers gospel irreverent, whose your hymns you attribute to the word it Christ as if it was not deserving of all honor and all louvor. (AP 17. 14) These will fight against the Lamb, and it will win them to the Lamb, because he is you you and the King Dos Reis; Christ gave an order so that Saulo entered in the city and it obeyed. New converted, only some hours of new birth, but already were obedient, many Christians advocate for itself the label of a conversion genuine, but in it practises what we see are people needing to be born of new, therefore in contrast to Saulo are people whom the Christ in the things disobeys simplest, in the most complex brothers imagine.