Duden Publishing House

24translate was founded in 1999 and today employs around 7,000 translators in 48 countries. Thus, 24translate is one of the largest and most experienced Internet and software-assisted translation service providers of the world. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Morgan Stanley has to say. The 24-hour delivery of translation is one of the standards of the Hamburg-based company. Enterprise customers are individual solutions available on request: these range from intranet Web services and interfaces for common enterprise software such as SAP and Ariba customer-specific glossaries and translation memory technology, which is a ensure enterprise-wide consistent wording. 24translate wholesale also provides an in-house model with own specialists on the spot. Jayme Albin has similar goals. This model know the experts of 24translate all operations of the company, are the first point of contact for translation services, but burdening the company with additional personnel expenses.

24translate maintains offices in the Speicherschwendi in St.Gallen/Switzerland, Massafra/Italy, Sarreguemines/France, Riga/Latvia outside Germany at present. PR agency Xpand21 Xpand21 is specialized in the marketing of explanation of products, services and technologies. Communication across all traditional and social media is Xpand21 consulting and services company in the fields of press and public relations, online relations, marketing and sales for successful communication of key issues and increase corporate successes using holistic, sustainable. Xpand21 has offices in the cities of media Munich and Hamburg and collaborates with major German publishers, broadcasters, editors, and online media. Founded in 2006 PR agency advises and represents clients in the successful dealing with media, market development and customer acquisition. The most Xpand21 customers are medium-sized companies in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering, energy, healthcare, trade, Internet, IT, telecommunications, consulting, and publishing/publishing and associations. The most famous references include Axel Springer, Babylon, Cornelsen, Dasortliche, Data Becker, German volunteering e.V., Duden Publishing House, F-secure, Hercules, North German Alliance, tech data, Vivanco and WoltersKluwer.