Educational Professor

Let us take the case of the affection that are directed the professor. As well as it is not rare to have patient that, in the clinical situation, they develop love and hatred for the psychoanalyst, also in the classroom has pupils that they love and they hate its masters. Can these transferenciais bonds be considered? Without a doubt, according to Psychoanalysis, therefore all affection, positive or negative, elapse of last experiences that if find restrained in the unconscious one. But it has a factor that it hinders a so simplista characterization thus. Differently of the psychoanalyst, the professor deals with objective facts day to day of its pupils, it if he locates how much to the contents that teach, he emits value judgments, it evaluates by means of notes, at last, does not occupy that position of typical neutrality of the psychotherapist, as we saw has little. It is commented very and until if firm in the educational legislation that one of the tasks of the pertaining to school education is to contribute for the formation of the personality of the person.

Under the prism of the Psychoanalysis, this pretension must be relativized, therefore the foundations of the character of the individual already meet firmed when it goes for the first time to the school. When the professor enters in scene in the life of the child, ahead has of itself an individual whose basic traces of the ego already are sedimented. All the verbal experiences, annals, masturbatrias, all the edipiano conflict that supports superego, at last, basic traces of the ego and its relations with id already meet definite at this moment. Swagings, repressions, mechanisms of defense of the ego and ocultamento of desires already are part of the personality. What it can make the professor, then? We saw above that the professor, guided for the psicanalticos knowledge, makes use to know that they allow it to know or the least to assume what is transferred with its pupil in the different phases of its development, the way as its manifest libido if, the conflicts for which crosses you distress and them of which she is being victim.