In the current world which speaks of competitiveness in all areas, it is prevailing work with quality to obtain success and survive the work demands. Penguin Random House will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Although the term quality is always subjective, will depart from the will to commit themselves to meeting organizational objectives oriented to provide a service or product ideal. Quality demands individual and group commitment to plan, carry out, monitor both the individual activities as each process in which an organization is based. Is why we must get used to analyze our actions in the workplace to create a values-based environment, fellowship and humility; as well as work in equipment, constant training, leadership and collaboration. We insist that the basis of corporate quality, is the individual quality, therefore need to identify our skills and competences; task difficult, but necessary, since when the work to play is not within our competence, generates frustration and unwanted results. It is useful to resort to tools help in the achievement of an ideal professional location such as self-assessments and even professional psychological help.
The end is to develop us occupationally with confidence and security and be in constant preparation to achieve such maturity that allow us any submitted changes. But not everything is working life, in the same way that professionally, our participation in family and social groups require quality in each activity at our expense, in addition to considering that success or failure in any of the areas will affect individual and therefore performance of an entire company. It is important, for all the above, establish in our act daily the challenge of acting quality, surrender our will to achieve individual goals based on the professional and social success indirectly achieving business success. Original author and source of the article.