Firebox Purpose

We already have our Twitter account fully functional, one of the pillars of our social marketing strategy. Now, populate things interesting, motivating and useful to our contacts. Does that follow? This question must be answered depending on the purpose that we have created the account see the first part of this delivery by clicking here. Let’s assume that the account has been created with the mere purpose of making networking. Yes, if we already know queincrementar sales is the ultimate goal, however, it is necessary to start from the beginning: approaching the Firebox and make friends. What is the first thing others see us to join Twitter? They want to know who we are, and get as much information as possible. All items offered in the profile, the stream or it time line or list of tweets that we have done is what stands out. Bird flight, the visitor may say what are their major interests, and what style to relate with the others you have.

And this is going to determine what information twitearemos. At the beginning, when you don’t have much that converse with others, there are two things you should do: follow, follow and follow other users. Follow to who you deem interesting: other operators in the market, colleagues, competition, and any entity or person that has something to say about what you do. Tweet things innovative, interesting and informative. Follow, follow, follow how to find interesting people to follow? First, search for your keywords.

For this purpose, you have a search box on your right side. You can enter your keywords with or without a hashtag (#). Here’s the difference. If you enter the term without hashtag, Twitter will return the most recent tweets where it mentions the word in any context. But if you include the hashtag, the list you will get is the tweets where that Word has been marked by its relevance.