Integrator Human

Ramon Gallegos) etc. All the dialogues with the holistas thinkers, philosophers, writers, educators, scientists and mystics have the same goal that the awakening of the consciousness of human beings, is to seek, improve education, seek to carry out sustainable development on our planet. The dialog of Dr. Ramon Gallegos with Atsuhiko Yoshida has a great similarity because it is focused to the development of both Mexico and Japan holistic education, sharing the experiences of each country; so distant geographically, but nearby in her holistic vision. Yes there is similarity between the two cultures, because Mexico has always been traditional in their customs, is moving towards modernity.

In Mexico we have an educational system centered on ideas that the quality, procedures, records is more relevant to have a better education and not true because cultivating humanity, integrity, nature is the most important thing for each person. The objectives of each of the participants in these dialogues are transcend, seeking unity among people, living together in communities, preserve values, promote respect, tolerance, accept diversity, find the relation subject subject nature, adopt an attitude of human consciousness, the awakening of the spiritual in every human being throughout the cosmos. We as educators holistic must make the change in the evolution of human consciousness, in the sense that we are a model Integrator for the educational process from the individual conscience to the spiritual. To become spiritual we must first know the principles that we must do as whole school aware of our actions: twelve principles as educators holistas must implement to develop our inner consciousness and so that it can be applied with those around us, working on peace and universal compassion. -Learning communities – intelligences multiple – learning – epistemological pluralism – curriculum holistic – transdisciplinarity – styles integral society – integrity – dialogue holistic – practice Integral – compassion – spirituality human beings living in spirituality is a person who respects the diversity, is a be non violent, responsible, live successfully in a learning communities because here are educational spaces where throughout society, family, children, teachers come together in a process muto of learning where we all have the same interestthe evolution of consciousness, its objective is learning is live and live is to be, are communities where thrive on harmony, educate for life go beyond academic training, i.e.