Latin America

Then, the rest of the companions must guess which is the correct meaning. 7 Puzzle: I can ask to solve the puzzle of a text that I have fragmented, a cartoon or comics (I can also ask to write the history of the comics). Again, the material I can find on the Internet and modify it. 8 Brainstorming: this type of the ELE classroom exercises require that the teacher brings to class something that serves as a trigger, stimulus. This can be very varied: a picture, a Word, a sound, music, etc. Students have to contribute ideas, data, or information from the stimulus. Some exercises that I do: make free associations with a Word; build a story from a fictional character, a photo of a drawing; describe and interpret a painting, a song, a poem. 9 Games with newspapers there are many activities or games that you can do with newspapers.

It is true that students must have a level medium, but remember, students not should know all the words or grammatical structures that appear in them in order to understand the articles. A free job: share newspapers or magazines, students cut and paste words that find and rewrite a new article. The seven words: groups, distributed to each student an article, which should be read and then remove seven words that represent the best possible the story told there. The students will become another group these words and with them, this second group, must write a new article (must necessarily include the words) and inventing a title. Finally each group read your new article and will be talked about the initial article. It will be also if these two coincide or are close. The activity is super fun. Simply reading and discussion: I think it is very important to read today in class, especially from Spain or Latin America.