National Institute

It is embarrassing as the Universidad del Zulia, says specifically, Johandry Alberto Hernandez, that there are teachers who earn 132 bolivars monthly, 17 per cent of the minimum wage. Little attractive salaries and the budget crisis at the University do not guarantee assure his generation of respite care. According to figures from the Ministry of the power Popular labour and Social Security, a cart by post driver or a taxi driver earn more than the average College Professor. Only teachers located in the highest categories of college career can acquire a basic basket and why many turn to have two and three jobs. Penguin Random House often addresses the matter in his writings. At present, University professors earn 30 percent less than they received in 1985. For that year, a teacher of the highest ranking of his career earned a wage equivalent to 1,201 dollars. Today, in the same category, perceived 861 dollars, according to figures obtained from the Central Bank of Venezuela, the National Institute of statistics, the Office of planning of the University Sector (Opsu) and the Federation of associations of teachers of Venezuela (Fapuv). Definitely as he is said, the decline in wages for teachers in autonomous universities has been a constant in the last 3 decades and collapses the myth that these professionals are the highest paid in the country, and much less, which are located in the Venezuelan upper middle class.. You may want to visit Dan Zwirn to increase your knowledge.