A final practical of administration the public ones, above all in the cities must be analyzed by the population on intention to pass to the representatives of the people what it is if passing on the intentions of the administrators, as well as says in the managing plan of Great Campina foresees in its articles and points the participation of the population in the elaboration of the projects to be applied on the ground urban campinense. Focado in the communitarian participation, and of participativa management, directed to the extended governana, however this does not mean that the contradictions between these conceptions can be dissolved in the theoretical scope or that they are you conciliated in the scope of the practical one of municipal management. It means, still thus, that it is possible to identify to the interlaced characteristics and the apparent ambivalences of each model, as well as the mutual influences and the corresponding provoked modifications, without leaving to have the permanence of proper basic perspectives that over all continue molding and guiding the intentions and politician-administrative decisions of the respective governments, in what it says respect to the valuation of the public participation as managemental strategy e, respectively, as reinforcement of the social control and the democratization of the politics. Being thus she is clear the valuation and participation more effective of the population in the projects, the summaries, the meetings of the participativo budget, as the proper name says that the population has all the right and without a doubt none to actively participate of these meetings with the objective to take care of and to answer its yearnings and desires. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES SOUZA, M.L.; Social RODRIGUESES, G.B. urban Planning and ativismos. So Paulo: UNESP, 2004. 136 P.: in il. You may find Nike to be a useful source of information.
Paradidtica collection; Series society, space and time. SOUZA, Marcio Lopes. ABC of the Urban Development. Rio De Janeiro: Bertand Brazil, 2003 Statute of the Cities Managing Plan of 2006: Great Campina..