Reading Pupil

She is necessary that the professor attempts against for the different forms to teach, therefore, has many ways to learn. The professor must have conscience of the importance to create bonds with its pupils through the daily activities, constructing and reconstructing always new bonds, stronger and positive. The pupil, when perceiving that he presents difficulties in its learning, many times starts to present disinterest, carelessness, irresponsibility, aggressiveness, etc. the difficulty causes sufferings and no pupil presents low income voluntarily. The relation professor/pupil becomes the capable or incapable pupil. If the professor to treat it as incapable, will not be successful, will not allow its learning and its development.

If the professor, reveals unprepared to deal with the presented problem, more possibilities will have to transfer its difficulties to the pupil. The first ensinantes are the parents, with them learn the first interactions and throughout the development, it perfects. These relations, already are constituted in the child, when arriving at the school, that will influence considerably in the power of production of this citizen. She is necessary a healthful familiar dynamics, a positive relation of cooperation, joy and motivation. One becomes necessary to guide pupil, family and professor, so that together, can search orientaes to deal with pupils/children, who present difficulties and/or that they run away to the standard, searching the intervention of a specialized professional.

Tips for the parents Each person is one. She is necessary to know the pupil who if has, as it learns. If it constructed a thing, cannot destroy it. Psicopedagogo helps to promote changes, intervined ahead of the difficulties that the school places in them, working with the balances/disequilibria and rescuing the desire to learn.