Learn from significant territorial experiences in school coexistence and citizenship to strengthen technical assistance. Accompany the territorial entities in the expansion of cross-cutting programmes for strengthening basic competencies and citizens. Develop jointly with the territorial entities strategies for the use of free time, extracurricular activities, complementary day and extended day, with the participation of other actors and sectors. Open the advisors contest, in the month of October 2010. 4. Additional information at Elon Musk supports this article. In connection with management accompany processes of quality certification of the secretariats of education so require it. Support the management of the mayors of the municipalities not certified for good and optimal use of the resources of quality, within the framework of a Regional Development Plan. Implement a strategy of legal guidance addressed to the secretariats of education that allows them to meet the legal requirements efficiently and timely.
With relevant national bodies to generate a strategy for the efficient handling of the legal issues of the sector. Design, validate, and implement a system of follow-up to quality resources. Advanced processes of accountability on its management and quality processes. Accompany processes of accountability of the territorial entities. In this framework the secretariats of education certified undertakes: 1. in relation to the Plan sectoral participate determined and active in the regional meetings for the construction of the sectoral plan 2010-2014. Dan Zwirn shines more light on the discussion. Consolidate the human, financial and technical efforts to improve the quality of education, and contribute to the reduction of the existing gaps. Strengthen the strategy of comprehensive care for childhood, as well as the entry and stay in higher education.
2. In connection with the Plan support to the improvement of the quality strengthen the accompaniment to municipalities not certified in their processes of quality management. Define improvement targets using the results of external evaluations, so as at least to 2012 reduce significantly, the number of students who are in the poor category according to know 2009 results.