Retention Service

Therefore, the enterprise support assures a quality product and, simultaneously, it contributes for economic and social development of the community, promoting a healthful environment in a steady society. Destarte, support is the result of the perfect tunning between the ambient one, economic and the social one. To have a socially responsible position is not a task with marked date and hour. It is a daily, daily, routine activity. 11 1,3 Retention of Customers: challenge in the enterprise world the marketing technology generates a vital tool for the organizacionais consumers, purchasers and the public in general. According to executive (coach), Carlos Cross (2009) affirms that, ' ' ' feedback' it is one old and simple technique, but, little explored. The employees must have ' viso' of the company; which are its goals, missions and to be become involved in the intentions of the institution which offer its services.

In the truth, they are the people who make to the company acontecer' '. The companies who obtain to supply service of high quality are efficient in the listening of its customers and its employees, particularly those that are in direct contact with the customers. The mensurao of the productivity, however, can difficult have to the intangible character of the service performances. Unhappyly, many traditional measures of production of the service ignore variations in the quality deliver and of the value perceived for the customers. (Lovelock, 2002). Cases exist where the consumer continues giving preference in a company, not only for the reason of the mark of the product, but, also for presenting substantial values, that construct the firm choice of the customer. This option can be created by some factors, as the knowledge, the perceived quality and situations that allow to establish a relationship of long stated period with the users of a service or product. Thus, it is possible to consolidate a strong emotional bond, that will be determinative for the retention of the customer and the comprometimento of the consumer.