For example, for detrs of one ‘ ‘ veil of ignorncia’ ‘ , where an imperfection to know if it/it is the trader or the consumer, who it/it to choose to be forgotten, ignorant, or restricted? The reply he is clearly ‘ ‘ no’ ‘ from the perspective of any person looking at for its better interest, and who has the capacity to exert its exempts will is one high priority. Unhappyly, the public auto-regulation and politics are delayed in current practical and the future chances. Many inside of the academic and professional community can suggest that the natural skepticism of the consumers developed throughout the centuries, business-oriented in the market will provide a natural barrier for the potential damages. However, the diffidence is activated only of form that is excellent for the experiences accumulated, and in this ‘ ‘ wonderful world novo’ ‘ , the concerns with the transparency that can have insidiosos effect, as well as unknown consequences. These principles are constructed around five ideal central offices. The first one is the acknowledgment/sensitization and is central for the remaining norms.
Protected from this principle, the consumers must be informed on who are following and collecting the data, its possible uses, and all the beneficiary potentials. Second assent is the choice/, what it is consistent with our previous quarrel on neuromarketing. The consumers have the chance to know the results of the information and also he has the capacity to adjust the nature of its data and its use. Third participation is the access/, where the consumer is worried about the capacity to visualize, to verify and to contest the completeness and exactness of the information on them in an opportune way efficient. Fourth security is the integrity/, that demands of the traders and its companies, to guarantee that the data are brought up to date and protected against the not authorized access or manipulation.
The fifth principle involves execution/repairing. Given ours premise voluntarily, professional traders must be waited to communicate the results of the neuroimagens and which will be the technology used before the exposition, to allow to the participants the aspects of the process of collection of data to easily supply and accessible and understandable way feedback on the personal information, and to guarantee you safeguard that them appropriate are in the place to prevent indesejada exposition of third. The first line of defense is the auto-regulation and would demand a group to interdisciplinar of studious and professional that if congregated to elaborate norms, mechanisms of evaluation and sanctions. If this not to decide the problems most serious, through court, the system of private solutions can establish the criteria in which neuromarketing and its activities will be judged and that they will lead the legislative solutions and controls. These possibilities represent that it will go to need a combination of voluntary fulfilment and regulation and supervision, in order to prevent some of the quandaries denoted here. A crucial paper for the decisores politicians, academics and consumer are to inform, through the accompaniment of the neurocincia and its last conclusions and to evaluate its ethical implications for commercial usage.