SUV Chinese Manufacture

Chinese Automobile Great Wall in conjunction with the Russian company Irito are planning to organize assembly manufacture of Chinese suv in Russia. The organizers intend to invest in the construction of at least $ 25 million The reason was the introduction of prohibitive duties on imported ready-made body. The planned volume of production cars – 5000 cars per year. Own assembly facility will be organized in Ramenskoye district of Moscow region. Here for two years in a row Mode screwdriver assembly produced two of the most popular suv in Russia, China Great Wall – Hover and suv G5. 80% of all sales of Chinese car factory is precisely with these cars.

On November 14, 2008 Act came into force on increase in duties on imported car bodies. If before tax amounted to 15% of the cost of the car, now it costs 5000 euros to the body. To bring the body has become unprofitable, the price of such cars is very much increased. Therefore, Chinese Concern Great Wall plans to organize assembly and painting of the body directly in Russia. This will keep prices for SUVs.

But its Automobile Great Wall are unlikely to build in Alabuga. Last week it was announced the elimination of the plant joint venture Great Wall Alabuga Auto. But this enterprise Concern Great Wall had planned to produce up to 75 thousand cars per year. But the director of the Chinese automobile and have not received permission to conduct industrial assembly.