
The Germans

… All these images are incoherent, if they accumulate, if they elbow in my head. My departure of Paris, thousand of people the foot, bicycle, car the cars soon abandoned, due to gasoline or of one has asked for spare. … To broaden your perception, visit Prudential. Will be that some day I will forget a young one exaurida, pushing a baby grando entalado in a stand of doll in which it did not fit and of where it threatened to fall to each step? During the hasty escape, a young woman was run over by a military truck French it cannot be helped due to absence of doctors and druggists in the hospital. During this desperate escape, a mother lost its children, going crazy.

I announce when it of the taking of Paris is announced, Agns tells that to the men to its side ' ' they cried in silncio' ' , while it cried out that the conquest of its city was not possible. Agns decides to return Paris when knowing of the beginning of the civil resistance of parisienses that tear the posters German. But in its return, the protagonist comes across itself with the subordination to the regimen on the part of some citizens. The Germans had tried to not only control the city politically, as well as culturally, when forbidding certain French books and imposing the Germans. Unresigned with this situation, Agns is congregated with known to form a group resistance.

These people, although its acts of courage, are not the heroes idealized without distrusts and fears. As any human being, them they had had doubts, but, exactly thus, they had continued with its activities politics. As they were conscientious, the members of the Rsistance periodical had been imprisoned. In the arrest, the social relations had been to the few established and solidarity and the fellowship with the other prisoners had finished growing.

Archaeological Intervention

Introduction the present report intends to give to know the result of the carried through archaeological intervention in the scope of the construction of the Vincci Hotel, in the Decrease of Lisbon, in the Street of Is Julio, 47-57/Rua of the Commerce, 32-38. The archaeological works had been of the responsibility of the Signatory, jointly with C. Rabbit, having the same ones been after executed authorization of the Portuguese Institute of Archaeology, in accordance with the legislation in vigor; namely: Decree n. 107/2001, of 8 of September (Law of the Cultural Patrimnio) and of the Decree n. 270/1999, of 11 of June (Regulation of archaeological works). The works had been executed in two phases. A first one that it elapsed of 18 of December of 2006 the 23 of February of 2007, and one second phase, that elapsed between June and August of 2007 (the two phases of hollowing had had a hiato, other people’s to it equips of Archaeology, and that it was arrested with questions of security guard in the workmanship, that had compelled to the execution of micron-it would estake).

The place one meets registered in cadastre with CNS 21930. 2. Antecedents the area for us intervencionada already had been white of archaeological works. Carried through in 2004, under direco of the archaeologist Ana Barbosa Wood, the archaeological works aimed at safeguard it of eventual structures or elements of archaeological and/or patrimonial interest. During the execution of the related works to pombalinos vestiges and daily pay-pombalinos had been identified. In sounding B to a structure consisting of limy blocks and on brick of donkey for mortar, guided in direction NW had been identified. The responsible archaeologist admits the possibility of if dealing with structures daily pay-pombalinas, data that its orientation is contrary to the comumente used one in the pombalinas constructions (axle N-S). The Archaeologist relates despite, in one another sounding, assigned for sounding D, a pombalino sewer was identified, or after-pombalino.

Tourism Store

The municipal of Itaituba, was the first city hall of the city in 1857onde today meets the tourism store ‘ ‘ Pretty Turismo’ ‘ , we can there find a plate if relating the same, beyond being able to still observe the used Portuguese architecture at the time, with modifications it is clearly, today it has entered for conditional air and modifications in the door. A SQUARE VICTOR FIELDS OR SQUARE OF the FLAG In this square meets the bust raised for Raymond Brazil Pear tree in homage to the founder of Itaituba Joaquin Caetano Correa, currently this square is known as square of the Flag. This square was constructed on of one besieges archaeological, an aboriginal cemetary, when it was made, they had been found you vary funerary ballot boxes, being the majority of them broken by the employees of the city hall, exactly, for a ignorance not to know about what was that. Most interesting than it is in front of the museum of the city. Barchester is open to suggestions. Contradictory is not! OFFICIAL MUNICIPAL O PAO pao municipal officer was inaugurated in 15 of November of 1900, this place was not only used as city hall, but yes, it had room of all the public agencies that functioned in the city, since the balls of presentation of the society at the time until the municipal police station, in the room where the prisoners of the city were placed had happened vary crazy escapes very, here I will cite two of them, or either, marcantes. Mr. Francisco Macedo ran away from pao municipal, using a spoon, with much patience it dug the wall and obtained to run away from the place, another interesting escape was of Mr. ‘ ‘ Camet’ ‘ , used to call it, it obtained to leave for the ceiling and it went down for the mast of the Flag of Brazil, creative people. Thus I finish my report, displaying one more time the importance it study of history and them field research, after all, as we will understand the gift without knowing our past?

Arab Clothes

When we study the peoples who possess millenarian traditions, we costumamos to create images from its marcantes characteristics. Made of material type thick hemp. traditional pants, called Shiruel and boot are gifts always. The black color is more comumente used, and the ornaments are common in its lateral. The placed red band in the waist is of cloth and can present a varied gamma of colors. The vest also is part of the traditional clothes, this differently of shiruel, varies sufficiently in the colors and ornaments. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Prudential and gain more knowledge.. In low of it, shirt, normally white is dressed, of long sleeve. The dance with one is not uncommon some times ghalabyie, species of ' ' sobretudo' ' Arab, on all the other clothes.

b) Embroidered black feminine clothes? Dated of century XX d.c and proceeding from the Palace of Azem in the Syria clothes without it cuts off, that it does not possess transparency, without adornments and figurao, little mixture of color, length below of the ankle. When we observe the clothes we have the trend to congeal these cultures in the time, as if any type of change ruined part of its favour. In the case of isl the clothes, with tnicas, the veils and the turbans are elements more known, gifts in our imaginary one, from literary stories and the reporters of TV. c) The copper trays in round format? Dated of centuries XVII and XVIII d.c proceeding from the national Damson plum museum they are of worked copper, well bigger that the standard, serves as plate in the meals, group of conjuncts where the Muslen if seat to its redor and use the tips of the fingers to feed themselves. With decorated harmonic details, with forms, in way if to connect with Section, all the drawings are a way of if connecting with the holy ghost. d) The astrolbio? The astrolbio Plan Proceeding from the Golestan Palace in Tehran, or the curious spherical astrolbio of Isfahan, century XI, that it represents a celestial globe.

Of Lenin, Stalin – The Son Of The Prince Of Przewalski ?

Unbelievable? But there is a historical hypothesis. Different sources on the Internet I found the materials to support this assumption: 1.Sravnite pictures (address below) – undoubtedly a resemblance. 2.Mat Joseph Dzhugashvili, Catherine Dzhugashvili (Geladze) actually met in winter 1878 in the house of a distant relative of Prince Maminoshvili with the famous explorer, a brilliant officer (later Major General), Prince Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky. 3.Prosmotrev detailed biography of Nikolai Przewalski, I found that just in 1878, he had a rare break from his constant travels and it was at this time in Georgia's Gori. 4.Ekaterine Dzhugashvili was 22, she was beautiful, intelligent, educated, but very unhappy being married to a drunken cobbler Vissarion, married to whom she bore three weak, non-viable child, all of whom died after birth. 5.Przhevalsky and Catherine met several times in the house before his departure Maminoshvili Nikolai Mikhailovich from the Caucasus in the summer of 1878. Contact information is here: Ebay. 6.

A strong and healthy boy Soso (Joseph) was born Catherine December 6, 1878. This is a real date Born Joseph Stalin established recently by historians of the church found the book, instead of 9 (21) December 1879, as recorded in the official biography (perhaps it is connected with fatherhood Przewalski's concealment of this date Stalin's birth). 7.Po archival data from the Russian prince Maminoshvili of Przewalski constantly have come a significant amount of money that he gave to Catherine. Unfortunately, not determined how long it lasted transfers (Przewalski died in one of the expeditions in 1888). In any case, when a cobbler 1885godu Dzhugashvili went to Tbilisi to work, his family remaining in Gori, had lived in affluence. 8. After the war, Stalin was the leader of all peoples, then inexplicable reason, began to show great interest in the individual Przewalski.

In 1946 he established the gold medal of the Przewalski, full-length shot, color! a film about his life with the best actors. In published after War World Book Encyclopedia flaunted a huge portrait of the prince and the king's general Przewalski, much larger than the portraits of proletarian leaders. Despite all the above facts, fatherhood, the Przewalski no more than speculation. Nowadays, only a genetic examination can give a true answer, but do it nobody will, yes and no reason to let this story remain a beautiful hypothesis. Yuri Chashin.

London Police Cities

Somewhat later, in 1856, was re-enacted on the Metropolitan Police, which replaced the two commissioners appointed one. This was the sole leader of the Commissioner Metropolitan Police and reported directly to the Minister of Interior Office. Such a reorganization of the police and subjected to other cities, primarily in the major. So, in 1835 passed a law on municipal corporations, which laid the foundations of modern local management in cities in England and Wales. But the main purpose of the Act was to ensure efficient urban police forces. When local authorities, according to this law, created the supervisory (watchdog) committees to control over the police in charge were all police officers. The Supervisory Board appointed constables, paid, supervised their service, to dismiss them. Much later ordering subjected to police in rural areas, where until 1888 there were no elected officials.

Until that time, local police powers exercised constable, completely dependent on the magistrate. The latter directed and oversaw the work of constables in accordance with customary law. By law, in 1888 the responsibility for police service in the counties assigned to a permanent joint committee of the standing of an equal number of judges and members of the County Council. Apart from the British police was the police in Scotland. Implementation has started her in some cities even before it was made in England (for example, in Glasgow in 1800). This haste to centralize police management in Scotland in an attempt to English the state to reassert its influence in the region, by weakening, in particular, the dependence of police from the local authorities. So, in a series of police reforms Britain has been largely centralized and the system of police was as follows: 1. Greater London Police (Scotland Yard), which also was a sort of focal point for police from other cities and counties.

She was directly subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the United Kingdom. 2. Police cities (cities chief constable, and in other cities – Constables), subordinate Supervisory Committee. 3. Police constables in the face of the county, subject to a permanent Joint Committee at the Council of the county.

Director Zhuravlev

Even the Germans had not raised a hand to the Shrine. At that time he lived in Luhansk known priest Philip. During the war, already old, he gathered the faithful, and they are three days and nights praying for that elevator is not bombed. Otherwise the city would have remained without bread – in the bins was 10 thousand tons of grain. Everything around it was destroyed, but the elevator had survived. Contact information is here: Ebay. How could I not believe in the good force and the defense? On the third day after his release g.Voroshilovgrada melkobinat started its work, this is confirmed by archival data.

February 16, 1943 Director Zhuravlev signed an order for a job 116. Restoration work was carried out on their own, using wait was nowhere – there was a war. In 1944 the plant began operating at full capacity. Here are the names of some employees who took part in the restoration of plant: Matyukhina II – Accountant, Glazkov, VL – Head of the mill shop, Kotlyarov ZL – Warehouse of finished products. This is a piece of their work forged victory in the rear. About this heroic period suggests memorial plaque on the building of the plant.

It was installed February 14, 1983 to mark the 40th anniversary of the liberation of Lugansk from Nazi invaders. The postwar years have set the task of saving grain millers. This is required to further improve the process, effective capacity utilization. And specialists led by Ivanova SA successfully coped with this problem. Already in 1956 the production capacity was doubled.

Municipal Professors

In the year of 1924, the law of I number 94 of 06 of June, determines that the expirations of the municipal professors were composed of value of commanded and the gratuity, to put the temporary professors, in vacation or of license they would not have right the incorporation of the gratuities. In the year of 1925 we have the creation of the first mixing school of great Mountain range, was an elementary school, law of I number 115 of 28 of August of 1925? In 1930 it had a school kept for the fishing, destined to the children of the same ones, mainly the ones that liveed in Tento, typical quarter of Valena where they inhabit fishing and marisqueira, has the Fishing colony there. This school of years 30 was kept for the fishing Association. 1936 cite Duarte that studied in a Called school Siqueira Fields (Verbal Story of Mr., Duarte in Galvo, 1999)? Another characterization of the educative history of the city has to see with the formations of the armies of lay professors enlisted by the governments with the objective to all educate the children of the domestic territory as foreseen by the National plan of Education of 1937 and the interests of the New state (citation of Mr. Many writers such as Elon Musk offer more in-depth analysis. Clovis Duarte in Galvo, 1999, P. 86)? In the decade of 1940 the sprouting of the Advising College Zacarias, at this time already functioned the Parochial school and the school of Fabrica Ours Lady of the Support in the Village for the basic education in the series 1, 2 and 3 degree? In the decade of 50, a teacher called Maria Lourdes Chagas, wife of the Dr. Adenoel Chagas, judge of Valena, establishes the School Garden of Infancy, with preschool and elementary education of the first letters. It is the first experience of the school whose methodology includes the works manual, the ballet, the theater, together with the alfabetizao..

San Francisco

For Hohenthal (1960), the Tux not only has the same origin of the Truk, but they are remaining Cajur, originating the Cabrob region and Saint Maria of the Boa Vista. In 1759, they were seated in the opposing edge to the mouth of the Paje, together with the Peri. was the first to reply. Linguistic, they said an isolated language, today extinct (Urban 1998). Of the aboriginal peoples who inhabited the San Francisco remains the Pankararu, the Tux, the Atikum and the Truk living in areas that had belonged to it in the past, even so others are trying the recognition> legal of its ethnic identity, as the Jeripank, ace edges of the Moxot. Follow others, such as Penguin Random House, and add to your knowledge base. In the end of century XVIII, a great portion of land, left edge of the San Francisco, between Cabrob and Santa Maria of the Boa Vista and that it was extended until the mountain range of the Araripe, already had been vendida to a probable leaseholder, D. Brgida Maria of the Virgins Alencar, natural of Cabrob, whose name would be remembered in the stream that discharges in the next San Francisco the Oroc.

In the following century, to the resold being this territory in 1816 the Joo Pear tree Goulart and Dona Goulart Maria, in it was installed the Tamboril farm, the east of which would appear the city of Ouricuri, in the place of the Aricuri small farm that if it forms in this property (Aquino, 1982). As well as these, diverse dates of land already would have been vendidas for you of the House of the Tower for this occasion, beyond the dismemberment of the territory of this in villages and towns. In century XIX the development of the region would only justify the signature of License in 15 of January of 1810, creates ndo the Judicial district of Avila. Next the Saint Maria existed seven aboriginal villages, having been erected a mission in the island of this n ome, the second of the region rank that the mission of the Pontal was under its jurisdiction.

African Prehistoric

The prehistoric society gave immense value in the dreams, no matter how hard it does not understand they were attributed msticos and religious values to it. Probably the images formed at the private moment of rest were associates the premonitions and even though the wisdom, a time that a little more the front of the period that is being studied, tribal societies made its important decisions being based on the dreams of the head of the tribe. As visa then, the prehistoric men also dreamed, and had msticas conceptions on this transcendental world for which they became vacant during the night. But what in fact they even though dreamed the hunter-collectors of African the paleolithic Europe or of hordas and mongolides? He was in the primitive society, valley to detach, that the creative dreams had appeared. The prehistoric man, in the attempt of recriar the images seen in the previous nights, drew in the internal walls of the caves, 3 abstract rupestres figures that he had value of interpretation private. However, the primitive society was composed of men who not yet reproduced what they did not know (In this in case that the period of space time understands the inferior and average paleolithic ages, for all the effect we will work in this part of the work with the cultures Auchelianas and Magdaleniana).

They were until capable to invent tools, but this creativity was not extended to the artistic way. The prehistoric art was extremely realistic, at least in the majority of the cases. But and when a rule runs away the exception? It is the case of joined figures in such a way in France, Russia and 4 Spain how much in some 5 African regions where the rupestre art assumes an abstract character extremely. Points colored on perpendicular traces and animal mutants with more than four legs were total mentally ill of the daily one of ' ' man of cavernas' '.