
Bottoms Apparatus Elliptical

Bottom element is a capacitive device, which limits the hull bottom or top (vertical units) and laterally (horizontal units), making him one. The bottoms are subject to elliptical, spherical, conical and flat. In chemistry and refining the most widely elliptical bottom. Stamped flanged (with straight fascia) are standardized elliptical bottoms and applied in the horizontal and vertical machines with an internal diameter of 0.4 to 4 m at a pressure of 0.07 MPa (0.7 atm) to 10 MPa (100 atm). When the diameter of the body is greater than 4 m are used spherical bottoms. Conical bottoms used mainly in the bottom of the vertical cylindrical apparatus independent of pressure, if required under the terms of the process (for liquid and granular media, if needed, continuous or periodic removal of a lower slope). In horizontal apparatus with a diameter greater than 1.5 m, running in bulk and low pressure (0.07 MPa) is also appropriate to apply the conical bottom with a large apex angle (140 ).

The vertex angle of 60 is applied to viscous liquids and slurries, 90 – for viscous fluids. Flat bottom, compared with spherical and elliptical are less rational in terms of strength under pressure medium, since all other things being equal, a flat bottom wall thickness is considerably greater than that of elliptical and spherical bottoms. Therefore, use flat bottom to work under pressure apparatus with a DB> 0.4 m is not recommended. However, if for some reason always need a flat end unit of pressure, in this case, you can use a flanged flat bottom, reinforced ribs.

The Floor

The first lighthouse, set about a foot from the wall, the next – in inches 60 – 70 from the first, and so on. It depends on the length of rules, which will constrict. You can for example, the first set right along wall, the second – a meter away from him, the third – after another meter, so I think the idea of a handful of clutch ponyatna.Kogda (harden), you can begin grouting the floor, pre-moistened it with a roller. Priming is not necessary, it is possible just water, so as to dry the floor screed will not stick. To avoid unpleasant surprises, check out the joints between the floor and walls, if necessary – repaired something, even if foam. Otherwise, do not exclude the possibility to make repairs and even the neighbors below, with those at your expense. Solution for floor screed can be prepared from ordinary Portland cement not less than 400, and construction sand (in any case not a river!) In a ratio of 1: 3.

Rather, construction sand, sold in bags of 25 and 50 kg, it is usually also a river, but no shore, and extracted from the bottom, and the last major cleanup. And two big raznitsy.Rastvor not desirable to make a shovel in a bucket and mixer vedre.Poyasnyu.Kak would be nice to you not to stir the solution with a shovel, an ideal that can not be done in principle. Yes, you very likely obtain a homogeneous gray mass, but uniform in color does not mean that she has turned homogeneous in composition.

CNC Spindle

When withdrawal from parts of tools is considered positive direction 4.2.2. The axes for milling on the milling machine spindle is working support the rotating tool. a) Z-axis machine tool axis, which coincides with the axis of the working spindle or parallel to it, is defined as the axis Z. The positive direction of Z axis runs from the details of the instrument. may find it difficult to be quoted properly. So, if the tool The X-axis X-axis is parallel to the plane of the clamping parts for horizontal milling machine the following applies: If you look at the detail of the spindle, the X-axis positive direction is right.

Y set of coordinates after the determination of the axes Z and X. 4.3. The basic point 4.3.1.Nulevaya point machine zero point of the machine M ('zero machine') is always located at the beginning of the coordinate system of the machine. When setting up the CNC machine, this the zero point of access to all feeder machine, thereby coordinate all indications are set to 0. At this point lathe located in the chuck, usually on a plane all the way flange spindle.

4.3.2.Tochka frame of the machine, however, R may be impossible to start the motion from a zero point of the machine, as this prevents the clamped component or fixture. It is therefore necessary to establish second base point on axes, the so-called benchmark machine R (auxiliary machine zero point). This reference point is needed only for CNC measuring the relative path, since the actual values are lost when power failure or deficiencies.

Air Conditioning

Cooled (or heated) air flow from the air conditioner will be reflected from obstacles and come back with the same temperature, with a "left". Air Conditioning decides that work is done, the right climate and set off. That's happened to my friends. Their air conditioning constantly, "entangled in curtains "and disconnected, unable to bring the temperature up to a given room. I had to call the experts and re-install the system. 5. … Out of alignment – then out of it on the floor will follow the water (condensate), which according to the rules assembly should be given to the drainage tube in a special tank (see our certificate of drainage).

Fourth stage: the walls or floor shtroblenie In order to connect electrical wires and freon tubes between the air conditioner unit Installers punch trough the walls or ceiling (or as they say installers – to be "proshtrobit line"). This is done in case you want to do a hidden line. Sometimes you have to "proshtrobit", for example, Wall and floor apartment. Do not want to Stroebe? Then you can hide the wires in decorative plastic box (sometimes box removed under the plinth). But before that installers will need to connect the two copper tube (refrigerant) and "Ends" of wiring between the external and internal blocks. Make sure that the installers have done this by connecting fittings. And in the pre-punched hole in the outer wall paved "Waterproof glass "with a connecting hose. Adjusters come into place all the necessary equipment is placed in communication Stroebe, drainage tube is placed in Stroebe sloped Then they have to spend so-called vakuumatsiyu communications, and always within 50 minutes (just for this time of the communication will go the "extra" air and moisture).

Press Steel

Slats (profiles), aluminum and steel, come in different thicknesses and densities, depending on the method of manufacture. For example, take two thin sheets of aluminum (steel) and between paving foam, and then fasten it all special device, reminiscent of Press. Incidentally, the polyurethane foam used as heat and sound insulation. So the shutters are made in this way shall retain 30 – 40% of the heat in the room. There is another method manufacture of roller shutters. Profiles made with this technology, called extruded.

Their production process similar to cooking meat. Profile of the desired form of "creeps" from a special machine – extruder, as of meat grinder. Slats are obtained thin, but more stringent than those made by the previous method. As I have demonstrated specialists "Radian", the panel can withstand more than 50 blows with a sledgehammer. The service life of aluminum extruded roller shutters – 4 – 5 years, and steel – 2 – 3 years. And again, shutters, made of steel, is much heavier and more expensive than aluminum. After all, heavy construction, a more powerful electric motor, which of course, not cheap. In addition, the steel shutters require a perfect installation – the slightest misalignment during installation construction will entail the load on the slats.

This, in turn, affect the ease of opening and closing the shutters. So it is possible that not once have to use the services of repair and technical service. It is no coincidence, according to specialists in the last five years in Russia, mainly bought aluminum shutters, rather than steel. There are two types of automatic control over the construction of wooden window: push-button and remote. Push-button control is easier and cheaper (15 – $ 30). External buttons control switch recalls, and it is the same as the switch is mounted to the wall. By clicking, you can omit or raise blinds. If desired, click equipped with lock. In this case, simply touch the switch to design went up or down. If you choose to push-button switch in the "bezfiksatornom" performance, in order to lower or raise the blinds, it should hold up as long as the blade is not rises or falls not to the end. To stop it, simply remove your finger from the button. Remote control – the "cool" and convenient way to control the shutters. But it is also the most expensive (350 – $ 400). You probably already guessed that the shutters are served with a command console that resembles the TV remote. Just press a button – and the shutters immediately set in motion. Remote control is reasonable to apply where the set several shutters: to raise the security shutters in several rooms on different floors. Of course, if you do not forget to connect them to the control center. Automatic control, as well as wooden windows glass on request can be completed with a combined alarm system electric motor. If you have an urgent need to constantly open and close the blinds in the house, and electricity cut off very often, this system will be for you just magic wand. In this case, close or open the shutters can be manually, using Cardano, which is installed next to the box: just twist the knob, and the shutters come in motion. It is true that emergency management is a 1.5 – 2 times more expensive than electric. To lock the system, you need to spend extra and put the automatic or mechanical lock at the bottom of the canvas.

The Benefit Of Wind Generators

Our compatriots often recently became interested in the question of why modern wind generators are so wide demand. How do they differ from their counterparts of other, working on other fuels, and what is actually is the benefit and the benefit of their use. Ironically, all these issues are highly relevant and prevalent. That's why we decided to try to help you find answers. So, what is the usual wind generator? In fact, everything is easy.

The fact that the wind turbine is a device consisting of the same elements as the conventional alternator, but as a fuel in this case will be used wind power. Simply put, the work of the wind farm begins at the moment when the wind begins to blow. Why such a scheme of work is considered advantageous, because the cost of wind turbines is very high? Let's try this out. Let's start with the fact that the recent phenomena such as growth in the construction of country houses, villas and cottages began to grow substantially. However, it is strongly prices rose and electricity. As a result, the developers and experts, a new task – to find an alternative to AC generators, which are used as fuel, diesel, petrol and gas.

In the same way as at the time the steam generator has captured the hearts of people, a wind generator was the original discovery. Very often the wind turbines compared with hydrogenerators. However, this is not quite correct. As a rule, wind generators and hydroelectric generators are used to solve certain problems. That is why both types of generating equipment in its own important and relevant. According to estimates and statistics in recent years the use of wind as a source of energy has become much more efficient. First of all, this is due to the fact that so advantageous process allows us to save a significant proportion of funds by the fact that there is no need to purchase fuel. Many of our customers and buyers also were interested in payback. That's why you can learn more about this on our site.

New Production Monitors Jvc

Professional Monitors JVC GD-191 with screen sizes 19 inches used LCD-matrix with a resolution of 1280×1024 pixels. and pixel response time of less than 5 ms. New items are designed to equip the monitoring centers, control rooms and other facilities security services and are equipped with interfaces 2hBNC, S-Video, RGB and RCA outputs for connecting them to various video equipment. To improve image quality monitors use a 3D Comb Filter, has brightness of 250 cd / sq. m, 800:1 contrast ratio and viewing angles of 170/160 . In addition, GD-191 equipped with the original stand and have a standard mount VESA wall mounting. One of the structural advantages of GD-191 is an ultra compact body and frame around the perimeter of the screen, thanks to what screen takes up almost the entire front part of the body. In addition, new monitors are equipped with JVC original desk stand that provides tilt adjustment housing in a wide range.

It leveling of the monitor so as to provide maximum comfort for the operator. On the back of the GD-191 are standard mounting holes VESA 100 mounting on the wall. Monitor a set of interfaces can reproduce the image from different video sources. Connecting to a PC or DVR via RGB-connector (D-sub 15 pin), and for the broadcast of analog video signal GD-191 is equipped with a pair of composite BNC video inputs and a 4-pin S-Video. In addition to displaying video monitors provide high quality sound reproduction: GD-191 equipped with two speakers at 2 watts each, and to connect the audio cables are used Audio Inputs RCA.