insurance & pension

Fuel Gmb

The special extra: Both the cards and the Administration Web site can be in the company’s CI of the company. This strengthens the commitment of the employee with the company and serves as a unique means for the representation of the company. MasterCard offered continues to the possibility the employees for private use, to register for a SupremCard in the design of the company. The employee receives as a real credit card on a prepaid basis including current account functionality for transfers from the card. And without Schufaprufung and salary proof. Conclusion: The B2BCard in the individual desire design not only this advantage offers the B2BCard the company.

The online card management can be created in the CI of the company. Here the daily management reports of sales are legible and printable PDF. No cash advances, minute fast charging of the cards, optimal controlling and last but not least fast and professional customer service support. When it comes to the simplification of the Cost management, is the optimal solution for businesses the B2BCard. New York Life often says this. Payment account analysis. And save costs at the same time.

The Schwabische Bank AG which is Schwabische Bank AG is a private bank in the heart of Stuttgart, which offers its customers all the services a small universal bank for more information, B2BCard a collaboration between MasterCard International, Schwabische Bank AG and petFuel GmbH about. Focus is providing investment advice and asset management. The Schwabische Bank AG is independent and seeks the best solutions for its customers in the market. The motto of the Bank: “we are big enough and small enough to know our customers, to meet their needs”. About MasterCard International MasterCard International is a leading provider of global payment solutions. With a wide range of innovative services MasterCard supports its worldwide members in the areas of credit, debit, electronic cash, business-to-business and related payment. MasterCard leads a Well known and very common brands like MasterCarda, Maestroa, and Cirrusa family and is in more than 210 countries service provider for banks, cardholders and merchants. “The MasterCard award-winning Priceless advertising campaign” (Pricelessa) is now shown in 105 countries and 48 languages and so the brand MasterCard gives a global reach and presence. For more information, on the Internet:. About petFuel GmbH petFuel GmbH is a results-oriented IT consultants of the new generation. Tailored business solutions in the areas of software development, IT-supported collaboration and business intelligence are customised initiative analysed and implemented. PetFuel GmbH as a technical service provider for the Schwabische Bank AG and MasterCard International is available in the prepaid credit card cooperation. Technical processing, maintenance of the frontends as well as service for cardholders be performed by petFuel GmbH. Furthermore, petFuel GmbH offers suitable Partner programs for people interested in co-branding cards.

Study On Behalf Of The Federal Ministry Of Consumer:

The financial planning Office Niklas & Lehmann informed on the essential aspects of independent asset management and investment advice on a pure fee basis. According to a new study commissioned by the Federal Ministry for consumer protection, German investors annually lose Berlin – between 20 and 30 billion euros by false and Commission-driven advice. The current financial market crisis has revealed again these deficits: \”too often the confidence of investors in the Council by financial intermediaries will be disappointed, for example if, under the guise of competence and seriousness sold unsuitable investments as a secure investment for the retirement\”, said German consumer Minister Aigner on December 22 in Berlin. \”That is not acceptable. \”The interests of consumers should be at the forefront – and not reaching business-internal sales goals by banks or other Commission-oriented financial institutions.\” To test and improve the distribution structures of financial products the Federal Ministry has therefore the study requirements Financial intermediaries more, better quality decisions\”at the research and consulting firm Evers and Jung in order given. The results now contain valuable information and insights about existing protection gaps.

As one of the Central conclusions and recommendations formulated the study: quality issues in the financial intermediation are the most efficient way to resolve if resolves the conflict of interest advice versus product sales. Ideally, the consumer buys a neutral advice and then converts the results with other providers. \”In other countries a such so-called honorary consulting is already significantly more common than in Germany.\” exactly this pure ‘ honorary Consulting we offer our customers since more than two years. \”explains Ulf Niklas, Managing Director and general partner of financial planning Office Niklas & Lehmann oHG in Berlin-Grunewald and Berlin-Mitte. As one of the first pure honorary consultant on the German market at all, we therefore welcome the Results of the new study very. It shows that we have gone the right way from the outset.

SWK Bank Fixed Deposit

Information for investors: you read, where you currently get the best interest rates for your money. The interest rates on money market accounts know for several months, with some exceptions, only one direction: down. Have for example in September 2009 the credit Europe Bank and the Cortal Consors its interest for the overnight must dramatically reduce. Many consumers are looking for a good and strong interest alternative. To deepen your understanding Ebay is the source. Investor with a fixed deposit account for a safe alternative. Although interest rates have fallen even with this investment products heavily since the beginning of the year, the fixed deposit but offers a decisive advantage. With the opening of an account, the consumer determines the duration and the amount of investment.

The short-term time deposits making it ideal as an alternative to the money of the day. It is not something Ebay would like to discuss. Currently the SWK offers Bank very good 2.00% per annum for a period of only 6 months. During this period, interest rates, other than the day money account, may not vary. As on the portal in interest compared to recognize is, are relative good for short-term investments and guaranteed yields to the selection. Besides the SWK Bank for 6 months, own is the offerings of ING DiBa, as well as the credit Europe Bank, at 1.50% p.a. for 3 months, also as good Alternaitve to the day money account.

Who on his savings, or at least a part of this, for 12, 24 months without may, receives yields 2.20% p.a. (12 months, SWK Bank) to 2.50% p.a. (24 months, credit Europe Bank, VW Bank & Mercedes-Benz Bank). A day money account with such a guarantee can be found currently not. An investment period of more than 24 months is currently from the perspective of not recommended. The reason: The interest rates are currently at a low level and will increase probably no later than end of 2010 once again. Is your money at this time with a low interest rate, interest income is lost you.

Executive Board

PRIVATE FLEX Fund 1 – best PORTFOLIO Fund with focus on real estate were interview with Ralph Pawlik, Member of the Board of FLEX fund capital in a quantitative and qualitative procedures the best Fund and initiator of the Fund experts from INVESTMENT in the network of the time Warner group, which have created international comparison parameters, selected. Substantive standards were placed on – and particularly important – in order to avoid conflicts of interest, the analyses were not – like at all other ratings – paid by the initiators or commissioned. The Fund private Flex Fund 1 was best Portfolio Fund with a focus on real estate awards. Following read an interview with Ralph Pawlik, Member of the Executive Board of the FLEX fund capital Ltd. INVESTMENT: FLEX Fund is in the area of real estate investments for 20 years successfully on the market. Your sales figures have risen even more sharply since the financial crisis began. You and your investors must obviously not worry because of the financial crisis, or yet? Ralph Pawlik: The financial crisis and its To underestimate the duration would be very reckless.

The biggest impact may still facing the global economy. Many banks are still very restrictive in giving credit, which many companies are facing significant financial problems. In this situation, the conceptual benefits of the FLEX show Fund. It is while prospects that fifty percent of the investments from own resources be financed. It can be omitted entirely on the recording of foreign capital but also partially or in extreme cases. FLEX funds are therefore largely independent of the money and credit markets. Penguin Random House contains valuable tech resources. INVESTMENT: How can this flexibility with regard to the financing structure of your funds? Ralph Pawlik: FLEX funds be legally seen closed-end funds, by the same investment way but open-ended funds. All investments are only made after presence of investment.

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation loan unsecured bad credit for military people want to get rid of their debt limit? Fed with creditors continuous phone calls? Not have sufficient cash with you? Finding financial resources through which you can quickly get cash from your problem? Then he relaxed and thinking about debt consolidation loans. This is the ideal form of loans, where you can quickly get financial assistance without completing a lot of tedious formalities. It is available in the finance market, only thorough research is desirable. Normally, debt consolidation loans exist in two forms, secured and unsecured. You can choose one of the forms according to your budget and requirements, this decision is entirely up to you.

If you select resistant form that you must first place a guarantee against him, and then you amounts ranging can get from 5,000 to 75,000 for the term of 5-25 years. But you’ll pay less interest to the lender due to the availability of collateral. Since the tenant or other homeowners, unsecured debt consolidation loan very appropriate because it is no pledge collateral criteria. You can receive funds according to their needs in the bids ranging from 1000 to 25,000 for the duration of the period 1-10 years. Addition, you can use these services without any documents or fax documents to the lender.

But make sure that the loan supply is already low because higher interest rate. With the amount may be financed by various basic and essential requirements such as: consolidating debts buy new car home renovation unforeseen wedding repay the various laws, etc. Borrowers who are interested in going after those loans have to choose the way online application. Online application is very user friendly and easy to use. Simply fill out a simple online form with basic information and send online. You can access your funds directly from your bank account the following working hours. You not need to waste time and effort, do such as debt, loans are readily available on the market without carrying out a number of formalities. John Mathew is author of no credit check Debt Consolidation.For more information about bad credit debt consolidation visit

Debt Consolidation Loans Bad Credit: A Single Loan Installment For Several

Debt consolidation loans bad credit: the loan installment for several to eliminate A single stress of paying multiple monthly installments for debts, the finance experts have come up with debt consolidation loans. With the help of this loan, borrowers can get rid of from various debts through a single loan installment. If a borrower is tagged with bad credit history then so he can avail the loan. However, the importance of debt consolidation loans bad credit can be best understood by people who are suffering from adverse credit history. The loan prevents the financial condition and credit status from further deteriorating. The borrowers who are tagged with bad credit score are those who have defaulted on debts in the past. The borrowers such as mortgage arrears, County Court judgements (CCJs), individual voluntary arrangements (IVAs), defaults, bankruptcy, etc can consolidate the loan without any worry.

With proper and timely payment, the borrower can improve/elevate their credit conditions. The debt consolidation loan helps the borrowers to replace their several small and big debts with a single debt. A single monthly installment is used to repay all debts of a borrower. The repayable loan amount is large enough, so that a lender offers a choice of selecting a loan from secured and unsecured option. In the secured option, the borrowers are required to pledge some valuable collateral on that basis, the amount is offered.

The borrower enjoys the amount at lower rate of interest and for longer period of time. Not require any collateral against the approval of loan does on the other hand, unsecured option. The time consumed in approval is less as no collateral evaluation is required. Online debt consolidation loan bad credit is considered as the best and fastest way to deal with your several debts. There are many lenders in the market who are ready to offer their services for quite less. So, it is always advisable that borrower must compare and contrast the rate before opting for it online calculators can be quite helpful in making the selection.

The Best Credit Provider In The Internet

There are loans, the banks new loans loans are currently very much in demand, especially as the banks now make more loans available to. This benefits the consumers right now before Christmas, because many wishes and purchases to be made. To buy all the beautiful things, it is often very convenient to take out a loan and pay it back to low rates. has now scrutinized the credit providers that are represented on the Internet and offer online loans, and published the best credit provider. The loans can be used for various purposes, whether to finance a car, to finance new purchases for the apartment, as consumer credit or a trip.

Loans are used also for debt consolidation currently happy, because the interest rates are very low at the moment and on the current account the Dispozinsen often are 15%. A credit, however, is from 3.59% Apr. Therefore it is worth to compensate for the current account and this one cheap credit to take. The loans on the Internet are called also online loans, they are often quickly available as instant credit, but also a rapid cash payment is possible in the circulars. This credit amounts are possible from 500 euro up to 100,000 euros. The duration can be selected flexibly between 6 months and 120 months. The credit provider is recommended for is equipped with a loan calculator. When the loan calculators, the credit can be calculated directly online on the Internet. This gives Internet users the desired loan amount of and the desired run time and immediately receives the result of the corresponding credit rate and the loan interest can decide to yourself whether this credit is located within the personal budget. The credit provider Kreditblogs.

Unscrupulous Business Practices

lawyer immediately informed about misleading advertising on the Internet dubious business practices at Rurup pension offers lawyer immediately informed on the Internet the Rurup pension offered by different providers of insurance services. This following advertising used by some providers: the Rurup-rente certainly pfandungsgeschutzt, attachment, front access third parties protected insolvency, insolvency-protected! All of these statements are misleading commercials and therefore unlawful. The customer who reads these offers and decides then to conclude of a Rurup pension, is the firm belief that anything can happen with his paid money. For the customers, it is an outstanding buying argument and incentive if the Rurup pension as a secure attachment is being touted by these providers. That is not the case, arises from the articles 851 c, 851 d ZPO.

Ruruprenten are pfandungsschutzt at a certain annual deposit up to max. 238,000 savings capital and thus section 36 Insolvency Act insolvency protected. Lawyer immediately refers to an earlier post on the Internet platform openpr with the following link: /…The inclined customer must have confidence in the advertising of the Rurup pension provider Insolvency Act pfaendungs and insolvenzgeschuetzt.html, because it’s his money. As far as the Rurupanbieter for example to advertise that the Ruruprente provides up to a statutory capital sum full tax savings on the maturing personal income tax, the tax savings scheme in the context of garnishment rules in a completely new light appears. If a 25-year customer pays 10,000 one time amount, so c CCP are approximately 2000 pfandungsgeschutzt according to 851 the remainder is open to seizure. Then the question of the advertised tax savings no longer arises. The part of the Rurup-rente is seized.

The business practices of these providers are unacceptable and unserious, and for customers who have completed such a pension under this advertising Fortune hazard. We would sure daraufhinweisen that your already completed Rurup pension only within the framework of the above rules is pfandungsgeschutzt. Office tip! Check to whether the Rurup pension contract concluded with you with a such advertisement like attachment security, attachment protection, insolvency, etc has been concluded. In case of need, you can take your provider among other things due to incorrect advice on liability. Secure therefore the advertisement on the relevant Internet pages as evidence.


Commercial insurance free compare business insurance comparison you are well insured? As an entrepreneur, you deal every day with risks – specifically can cover many of these dangers. The insurance needs of your operations is determined by type of business, legal form, size, financial stability and other factors. It is important to recognize the specific risks for the company and to identify those risks that may be insured and must. In the next step it comes then to compare the many offerings in the insurance market, to determine the appropriate insurance amounts and deductibles, as well as to set the desired contract duration and notice periods. The third party liability public liability insured all activities that usually serve the business purpose.

Also its employees are covered in addition to the holder. Business liability insurance provides, for example, when it comes to damages by the customer through incorrect installation or during Work be harmed non-combatants. Occupational groups are obliged to conclude of a special professional indemnity insurance with special responsibility – including architects, accountants and doctors. Self-employed in advisory professions, which can cause by faulty advice financial losses in their customers, should be protected by a property damage liability. How much does a commercial insurance? Many insurers offer special Einsteigertarife for founders of new businesses.

Their most important asset is your workforce just at the beginning. Therefore, you should pay particular attention to good protection in the event of premature disability. As an independent, it acquires usually not entitled to a statutory pension – early begin to provide responsibility for your retirement with a private pension. To remain as flexible as possible, the short-term contracts is useful especially for third-party liability and property insurance: best through annual contracts with the Option to extend, unless cancelled before the end of the contract. Your decision for commercial insurance important clues in our website