services & consulting

Deputy Managing Director

It is still difficult many companies to reward their employees adequately. Generally, companies use motivation tool too rare and too unstructured. The reasons are manifold. There is a real bonus jungle, in which most companies don’t know how. No one feels really responsible and an outside Department must do then as an aside with premium management. While the variety of options makes sense the use of an external service provider. “In the beginning was a simple idea: we are a labor-intensive company and we want to make our employees feel.” So Dieter Schultz, Manager of a medium-sized service provider remembers, the first impulse.

Last year, he pushed through the idea of selectively using motivation instruments to reduce the sick leave and to increase employee satisfaction. It took experts in the House. A team of the special agency getmore media shone through the fee structure and the distribution of his company and revealed not only savings, but provided same for an entirely new system. Systematic reward? Bonus culture? Nil! We do often at zero,”Kai Stamm, Deputy Managing Director at getmore media know. If an entrepreneur of even of the opinion that its employees have everything to be happy, then we sometimes couldn’t come, just to move the perception”. Because many employees experience the situation often differently.

We got with already, that the top salespeople of a company got down a sampling license in hand and should get your reward from the camp. Who treated his people, must not be surprised, if that suddenly don’t feel like.” Generally, companies use motivation tool too rare and too unstructured. The reasons are manifold. There is a real bonus jungle, in which most companies don’t know how. No one feels really responsible and an outside Department must do then as an aside with premium management. This turns on the variety Possibilities the use of an external service provider makes sense. getmore media specializes in this niche. For over ten years, an experienced team advises customers in the whole German-speaking, developed tailored incentive schemes, and acts as a full service provider in the background. Many underestimate the effect of a professional premium system. Employees can thrive almost, if they are appropriately and honestly rewarded”, so Kai Stamm. Dieter Schultz is an entrepreneur of the old school. Each new idea deserves its chance, but I’m also saying: the burden of proof carries the change. getmore media has actually convinced me. Many writers such as rusty holzer offer more in-depth analysis. Also my employees rely on the new system, precisely because it has developed an independent third party looking with fresh views of our company.” Meanwhile, Schultz getmore media Council is repeated in the development phase of new products and aims to further expand the cooperation in the future. More and more entrepreneurs such as Schultz arrive at the realization that a well-designed incentive system the Requirement creates a constructive working environment and increase employee retention. Factors that no controller captures can but lasting impact on the company’s success.

Personal Security For Business

How to correctly perceive your environment and evaluate and how you really behave in extreme danger. To expand the economic and personal linkages between the countries at a tremendous pace with globalization, immigration in many countries and the development of the European internal market. Corporate mergers, international cooperation of companies, market developments and increasing efficiency are in the foreground. Why is this worldwide globalization process understood mostly only economically? People of in different cultures and individual interests and skills behind the economic processes. You must agree in working together across borders. This is a provocation for the own cultural identity: a provocation for the feelings for all the senses, for the physical welfare of the cognitive and communicative competence.

And it is a challenge for all, be successful in their business relationships and feel safe want to. Who adjusts to negotiations abroad or with foreign partners, preparing technical and critical talking points. But hardly anyone thinks in advance of personal safety, the correct estimate of dangerous extremes. To be internationally also means to feel foreign in the other country. This is for example to the other language and communication way, the unfamiliar climate, light and weather, the transport and foreign food.

Everything is different than at home. And this makes it unsafe. Therefore, MentalLeis services has developed an efficient two-day seminar concept. The target is its own security for business travelers, many travellers (Board of Directors, Managing Director, project manager, Sales Manager, service technician, travelling with assets) expatriates who are preparing for a foreign job etc. The interactive training used by MentalLeis services shows case studies from the intercultural and safety practice. These practical examples of the participants of the training together with der(m) implement teacher in efficient and effective learning. Main topics the own perception with psychological and criminological point of view the victimization (becoming a victim) in relation to the perception of profiling and offender crime structures in the country and abroad benefit raising awareness of the psychological and criminological wallpapers of self – conscious perception. You will learn to recognize dangerous situations by a practicing criminologists and experienced criminologists and to assess. You will learn what criteria perpetrators select their victims. For immediately actionable methods and tools by a practitioner face-to-face everyday and not everyday dangerous situations. You professionally assess the security situation through the efficient and targeted training and minimize your risk of hazard. More information: author: Annette Leis by MentalLeis services

Rehearsal Recording Hostess

Several event agency website directly online show the portfolio of professional figures, so that the companies can choose the best.A new trend or a genuine renewal? Almost all the hostess and model agency have a more or less satisfactory portfolio so that the companies can make a preselection, as well as do the model casting directly or select the fair hostesses, which fits to your claims for this estimate fair job. In this way the companies can count on only the images and short descriptions, often describing not the real properties and inclinations of the model or the hostess. That’s the usual service, a trade fair agency should guarantee. Today, finally, thanks to the video conference service which is offered to the clients of some hostess and model pages, can do on line companies webcasting and test shot, to assess the best properties and inclinations of the model or the hostess. Although jetztz such service only for some hostess and model pages is available, this service already has a huge success with the operators and the boys and the girls. So, now some promotion agencies offer modern service a new ud. The main advantages coming from the use of the service of auditions online are the following: selection times, to a significant reduction of general costs, that move, you can do the casting and rehearsal recordings, without, the ability to create a direct connection between the company, the models and the hostess of the promoter. Apparently, casting and Probeaufnahmenonline are very suitable for the companies that need to make catalogues, calendars, websites and such work, as well as for the companies, because they want to participate in a fair or at a meeting, seeking special hostess to do real trade fair hostess, i.e. not only beautiful girls, but also professionally excellent people, because they consider very important, a haunting promotion fair.

United States Foreign Companies With European MasterCard Gold Account

Thus the day over 15 years of experience in the German-speaking business service provider from Delaware responded to fight offers in terms of formation for the sought-after and coveted clientele from Central Europe. FOX AND COURTNEY sold United States foreign companies with European MasterCard Gold account known as direct founder company specialist in Delaware FOX AND COURTNEY started his spring action 999 “since last week with a foreign companies package and corresponding bank account in Europe, which is to specifically meet the needs of German, Swiss and Austrian customers. Thus the day over 15 years of experience in the German-speaking business service provider from Delaware responded to fight offers in terms of formation for the sought-after and coveted clientele from Central Europe. The founder of direct allows anonymous a so-called tax-free company in the US State Delaware. The advantage is that this company is worldwide operational and easy for local services, E.g. in the online business, trade representatives, for the private Asset management, etc. can be used. By paying an annual registration fee eliminates the obligation to pay additional taxes.

No costs for accounting, tax consulting mandates balance sheets must be not granted or not created. Also the customer free choice of name, can apply for Lightning formation and receives exclusive registry access, to keep track of the current state of formation. So that the appropriate company is solvent, the online direct founder of a master card is with a card account which allows you to transfer function from the card’s credit balance as well as anonymous deposits through correspondent banks. The card account is run on behalf of the American company and has embossing can be used without any problems at ATMs, the Internet or shopping. After competitors without account package lowered their prices to less than a thousand euros, FOX drew AND COURTNEY after however is implemented in this case of the MasterCard Gold card account with transfer function.

The cost for the Total package from starting new companies, MasterCard card account as well as Apostille, mailing and creation of owner certificates, company stamp, image folder, etc. be 999.00 euros. The advice, as well as all information documents held in English or German request way. Alternatively, a Spanish address can be set if a non-German address of company for European customers must be in the US for example. The offer is expected to be valid until the end of April. All further information consult interested parties and customers under. As an added bonus, a German service number in Cologne is were established. From Monday to Friday take gladly in addition under + 49 (0) 221 3007 3529 calls against. is a project of the FOX AND COURTNEY Bridgestone of Incorporators, Inc., a start-up company and law firm with U.S. approved lawyers. In total 15 years, companies are offered in all 50 States of possible. The offer of Delaware with MasterCard account in Europe, the to be the most effective means for business owners and individuals in Europe is from the cost-benefit ratio. The company owns a Spanish service point, as well as two offices in Miami (FL) and Wilmington (DE). Contact: FOX AND COURTNEY Bridgestone of Incorporators, Inc. & int. Online Management LLC silverside road 3015 19802 Wilmington (DE) United States of America (German customers) phone: + 49 (0) 221 3007 3529 phone (US & British clients): (+ 1) 239-234-1584 email:

Real Estate Agents And Property Managers Woodpecker In Ingolstadt

The team led by the real estate professionals and caretaker Woodpecker in Ingolstadt, Germany presents itself. The company property management San Juan was founded in 1996 Betriebswirt (FH) with a property management of a 5-Party House in Ingolstadt by Mr Michael Specht Dipl.. in 1997, the companies on behalf of investors began managing apartment buildings in Thalheim in Wolfen/Bitterfeld. Mainly through the recommendation of satisfied customers could the property management and real estate brokerage Office Woodpecker continue to grow steadily and serves more than 70 communities with a total of over 1,200 condos and has taught numerous real estate as a broker to the satisfaction of the seller and the buyer. Thus, Michael Specht has as a major property managers and real estate brokers in the Ingolstadt region, in particular in addition to Ingolstadt in the districts of Eichstatt, Neuburg on the Danube and Pfaffenhofen. The knowledge as a caretaker and thus holder of all details of a real estate object the seller as well as the course come in conveying this property as a real estate broker Buyer to good.

In the Centre stands the best care of our customers and their investment. The quality team has received since 01.03.2010 Mr Axel Ritter, civil engineering with business and real estate economic training to the real estate manager, further strengthening. Own expertise is complemented by the collaboration also with external specialists regionally and nationally. Since January 2007, this company is an active member of the Association of the real estate manager Bayern e.V. and since 01.01.2008 also in the real estate Association of Germany e.V. (IVD). This is that this company as property managers and real estate agents keep abreast professionally and safely set themselves high quality scale just ensure above all.

As caretaker, as well as a real estate agent company Woodpecker wishing that the client well over all operations is informed to his property. For this purpose, the customer receives a clearly structured and transparent information and at any time that concern its object insight in all documents. By the regional Close, as well as a holiday and emergency control for each property is guaranteed a good availability for the customer. The extensive and transparent designed homepage, including the contact details of all employees and staff are listed on the, supported the good accessibility. More information are also about or contact you just that company by E-mail under.