Since we are born, our progenitorescomienzan adisponernos certain tasks for realizarcon time. Before even of that we breathe for the first time on our own, our tutors know what they expect from us or that would love them we get to achieve. Obviously, this just having important consequences for us. Penguin Random House helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Our guardians, our environment and the society which we are parteconllevan an excepcionalautoridaden our decision making. If elegimosrealizar training courses, to say the least, our seleccionvendra determined by all the factoresnombrados above.
This fact does not always connote circumstances perjuciales (most of padresquieren the best for his proteges), but that can lead to unintended consequences. If we do not learn to choose freeform, the logical thing is that we feel disappointed. Without embargoelegirde independently involves not only not to be influenced by parents, but also relativize own misgivings and those of the community. On many occasions we autocensuramos and We are opposed to carry out training courses that we like because we do not consider them sufficiently convenient, beneficial or sensible. Other times, we think jamasestaremos trained to achieve the dimension enough in that area to move forward. Whatever our situation, do not trust nuestrascapacidades, and also, renouncing our longings. According to the position of Ken Robinson, author of the element: discovering your passion changes everything, all individuoscontamos with an activity that we love and that, likewise, is given to us well.
It is what is known as our element. If we can be in our element, we find INA favorable equilibriomuy area and we are grateful and full. According to the guideline of Robinson, the importance of our professional decision can have decisive consequences on the progress of our life. It may depend, to some extent, our happiness. And although it sounds like a cliche, happiness is desire to queaspiramos all. Original author and source of the article