Tavares Commitment

In this direction, Faraco (2004) teaches that the Mathematics must be presented in literatures illustrated with drawings, that can become the study of discipline pleasant, with histories of the daily one and that they can arrest the attention of the pupils, taking off the Mathematics of the tiring routine of mechanical calculations, reapresentando the calculations of pleasant and related form with daily events because to reach the quality of the learning, a competent professor is necessary who it loves the art teaching. For Tavares (2006, P. 44), the professor beyond educator is transforming a social one, and beyond the social commitment to form citizens it also has the commitment to educate of the best form, contributing for the intellectual formation of the individual. Of this form one gives credit that to educate an act can be understood as politician and that, if some professor evaluates that its action is politically neutral, did not understand nothing, or well little, of its profession. Everything what is made by the professors, the commitment, the opinions and attitudes is registered and recorded for the pupils and assists in the formation of opinion of the same ones, therefore, the responsibility is great, rank that the education also is the formation of citizen (D? AMBRSIO, 2000). According to Sardela and Matta (1985), the main objectives of the education of the mathematics are: To provide to the pupil basic knowledge of the mathematics, in order to make possible its integration in the society; To provide experiences in felt to extend the reasoning, becoming it at the same time more dynamic and versatile, in way that, with the aid of the mathematics, the learning in any another area is simpler and fast; To stimulate the curiosity and the interest, so that it explores new ideas and it discovers new ways in the resolution of a problem. To develop habits of study, severity and precision, order and clarity, correct use of the language, concision, perseverance in the attainment of solutions for the boarded problems and critical and quarrel of the gotten results.