The Environment

Concepts of environment and its perception for the drawing. Some authors come if leaning over in the study of the perception of the concept of environment in the context of the ambient education, being emblematic the work of Sauv (2005). The categories of the perception of the environment concept and its description are, respectively: ) to be admired and preserved nature: natural and untouchable sanctuary; b) to be managed resource: collective inheritance to be explored by the society; c) to be decided problem: place degraded for the pollution; d) to be lived place: social, technological and historical instance; e) local to be divided socially: place where it has interdependence between beings livings creature and not – livings creature; planet as first of life; f) proposal communitarian: critical action with participation politics of the community. Reigota was emblematic when affirming that the environment is classified in three types: ) Naturalist: as synonymous of nature half intocada, characterizing itself typically for the natural aspects; b) Anthropocentric: half as source of the natural resources for the survival of the human being; c) Globalizante: half integrated for the nature and society. The environment concept can be perceived by means of drawings. Reigota (2002) points that the research involving social representations of the environment tends to adopt qualitative methods aiming at interpretativas analyses (as the ambient perception) and of intervention (as the ambient education). Any that is the form of expression used in the daily life for the citizens, this can and must be used as a possible source for the identification of social representations, as it is the case of the drawings. Antonio and Guimares (2005) had argued that the infantile drawing is: ) more than a simple image for the child, therefore in it he materializes its unconscious one, registering, in the element, sheet of paper of its daily life; b) a symbolic representation, enclosing a relation of identity with what it symbolizes, presenting a teia of significaes of its objective thought as in such a way subjective, and is context-dependent.