Tools Of Communication

The TOOLS OF COMMUNICATION According to Menshhein (2007), to communicate itself with the consumers it is essential to keep the active and constant relationship, but the organizations tend to find at any time that optimum if to make it is to enter in contact with the customer in any place, and of any form. It is of much importance that the advertiser has a deep knowledge on its business, its strong and weak points, its marketing goals and objectives, these information are basic for the development of a solid and efficient planning (BUSSADA, 2010) . The communication must be used with common-sense, is a way of two hands, where the sender, the company, and the receiver, the customers, must be understood perfectly. The election of efficient canals for the transmission of the message if becomes each more difficult time the measure that the communication channels if show more fragmented and congested (KOTLER; KELLER, 2006). This chapter describes the main tools of communication and its performances better to detach/to vender a product or mark. 6,1 CONCEPTS and VISES For Wools Houses (2000) exist four determinative factors that can be taken as base in the hour of if considering, creating and to choose an advertising campaign: ) Generation of flows of customers: many campaigns objectify to extend the demand of the consumers for visits to the store. Evidently, for these cases the supply must be foreseen to understand to the waited demand; b) Sales of products: the approach advertising executive can be directed for sale of products, in these cases, is possible to make promotions as the sales of selected products, promotions special etc.; c) Image of the store: the institucional propaganda aims at to the spreading of a positive, institucional image, in order to divulge the company of indirect form, becoming its likeable image for the community; d) Retention of image: also it can be used as a souvenir of the businesses.