United States

The President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, noted: is necessary for policy take the reins and not the market, he said. Politics is like the Cavalry, you have to go to the front, and not the market, which is another thing that generates hunger, misery, exclusion. Then, Chavez raised his recipe: the formula for combating poverty is socialism, he said. We do not aspire to that everyone follow the Socialist proposal, but yes we have to make a supreme effort to prevent the ills caused by capitalism. The Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa questioned that Colombia and Peru, contradicting the willingness to negotiate en bloc with the EU, have sought to do so outside of the CAN. How feasible would be to be negotiate as Andean Community, but within members there are two that already negotiated an FTA with the United States (Peru and Colombia) and took for granted certain conditions which Ecuador and Bolivia do not pamper neither with America nor with Europe, said Correa. This is a very big obstacle, should look for alternatives. The V summit America Latina-El Caribbean and European Union closed with a statement which urges, both the regional bloc and the EU, accelerate the negotiations that allow close free trade agreements as soon as possible. Countries that hamper this process are, in the case of the Andean Community, Venezuela and Bolivia, and the Mercosur, fundamentally, Argentina. The arguments which tend to put on the table to explain their reluctance to these treaties aim to European industrial and agricultural protectionism excess the Summit laid bare the deep discrepancies of the CAN in the negotiations with the EU and inocultables tensions between Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela by the RAID March 1 Colombian military in Ecuadorian territory original author and source of the article.