Unscrupulous Business Practices

lawyer immediately informed about misleading advertising on the Internet dubious business practices at Rurup pension offers lawyer immediately informed on the Internet the Rurup pension offered by different providers of insurance services. This following advertising used by some providers: the Rurup-rente certainly pfandungsgeschutzt, attachment, front access third parties protected insolvency, insolvency-protected! All of these statements are misleading commercials and therefore unlawful. The customer who reads these offers and decides then to conclude of a Rurup pension, is the firm belief that anything can happen with his paid money. For the customers, it is an outstanding buying argument and incentive if the Rurup pension as a secure attachment is being touted by these providers. That is not the case, arises from the articles 851 c, 851 d ZPO.

Ruruprenten are pfandungsschutzt at a certain annual deposit up to max. 238,000 savings capital and thus section 36 Insolvency Act insolvency protected. Lawyer immediately refers to an earlier post on the Internet platform openpr with the following link: openpr.de /…The inclined customer must have confidence in the advertising of the Rurup pension provider Insolvency Act pfaendungs and insolvenzgeschuetzt.html, because it’s his money. As far as the Rurupanbieter for example to advertise that the Ruruprente provides up to a statutory capital sum full tax savings on the maturing personal income tax, the tax savings scheme in the context of garnishment rules in a completely new light appears. If a 25-year customer pays 10,000 one time amount, so c CCP are approximately 2000 pfandungsgeschutzt according to 851 the remainder is open to seizure. Then the question of the advertised tax savings no longer arises. The part of the Rurup-rente is seized.

The business practices of these providers are unacceptable and unserious, and for customers who have completed such a pension under this advertising Fortune hazard. We would sure daraufhinweisen that your already completed Rurup pension only within the framework of the above rules is pfandungsgeschutzt. Office tip! Check to whether the Rurup pension contract concluded with you with a such advertisement like attachment security, attachment protection, insolvency, etc has been concluded. In case of need, you can take your provider among other things due to incorrect advice on liability. Secure therefore the advertisement on the relevant Internet pages as evidence.