Web Page

You remember the phrase " wanted daily "? They must be oriented to information of your personal interest; you do not have to copy content of Internet and to publish it like own. They are possible to be published with information related not only to your own experiences but to information related to your interests, own opinions on the news, other sites of Internet, etc. They practically can be of any subject. They must contribute something new or present/display the things " viejas" of a novel form They can be used to include in a single page many resources associated to a single interest (cars, businesses, etc.) To publish technical information You are doctor? Engineer? Lawyer? you want to share your information? They do not need to be pages of high traffic, they only must have information very specialized that it does not have in other sources, or your own works They are more professional in TEXT and not in graphs, unless the page is a gallery of photos or these are fundamental to explain a subject Everything is this Although already everything is saying, all have not listened, is not bad to return it to say Again I insist on the necessity that the subject on which you publish is the one that you dominate more. Of this one form they are going to you to take in serious in the global community. Hazlo with an original, own approach, that it identifies to you, that has your personal company/signature. What services must have a page? You can offer Chat If it is of entertainment you can offer games free, the news, jokes, etc.

You can offer measurement of speed in which the page lowered or the one of the connection of Internet of your users (with Java predesigned codes free in Internet, who are of easy installation for the Webmaster) It always tries to offer products like software free If you, like Webmaster, update your page frequently, offers registry, to newsletter, etc. that allows to send e-mails to your users to tell the new thing them that you have added You always must give to something more than the simple product that bandage so that people want to return. It offers appropriate propagandas to the subject of your site. The propagandas do not have to occupy more of 20% of the visual space; there are very sad examples of pages that do not have content but unconnected propagandas. It offers access to other finders, commerce, services that are trustworthy and of good quality. There is form to make extra money with page Web without needing making sales? The answer is a full one IF.

Promoting affiliations free to sites of auctions and gaining commissions of the sales By means of programs in which you yield space of your page for pertinent propagandas to your thematic one. By means of publication of banners advertising. By means of programs of affiliation to safe lists of electronic mails to receive allowed publicity vie email. Good internaut, and Webmaster future, I wait for this information has served for orientarte a little. More information, tools free and affiliations: Webmaster: Francisco Santander Original author and source of the article