The first earthquake occurred near Sumatra on Wednesday at 17.16 local time, 57 kilometers from City Pariaman (West Sumatra province), tremors were felt even in Malaysia and Singapore. After half an hour after the Sumatra were reported new tremors, which was 6.2 magnitude. The next day several more earthquakes. The EU said it would send humanitarian aid to victims of the devastating earthquake in Indonesia totaling $ 3 million. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dalton Caldwell. Flooding began in October of this year became the strongest in India over the past 100 years.
Victims of floods in the Indian states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh were about 200 people. MetLife shines more light on the discussion. Incessant torrential rains led to the overcrowding of dozens of reservoirs and rivers from the exit coast. Were damaged or destroyed 116 000 homes in hundreds of villages, destroyed thousands of hectares of crops, killed about three thousand head of cattle. Typhoon 'Ketsana', which caused considerable destruction in the Philippines and served as the cause of death for nearly 300 people last week reached Vietnam and Thailand. 'Ketsana' caused by the worst floods last 42 years and mud flows in the Philippines. In Manila and nearby provinces 450 000 families were left homeless, many areas there is no drinking water, medicine and electricity. Victims of typhoon 'Ketsana' in Vietnam began, at last count, 162 people. In addition to the Asian region, the whims of nature were felt in many other regions of our planet.
For example, more than 20 people were killed in floods and landslides on the Italian island of Sicily. At least 3000 people were displaced from their destroyed homes because of hurricane, accompanied by hail in Brazil. And in Georgia unexpected for this time of year, snow fell. Snow depth in some places reached 45 centimeters. In the north of Moscow launched a separate collection of waste in the north Russian capital in the Khovrino launched a new innovative system of separate waste collection.