Business Intelligence

Conclusions Management without a structuralized guide of pointers are as dirigirum car I only hoist myself for the retrovisores, sees everything what it passed and alone oque passed. The methodology of the BSC (Marking balanced) of Norton eKaplan proclaims that for each one of the goals searched in the atingimento of umobjetivo, a pointer must be defined to evaluate the result of the initiative. More looked for when the companies face turbulences, and its somais results perceived clearly, in way the crises. When the necessity exists demudana, the controlling needs an instrument to control the situation. This does not mean that the same one must be used for apagarincndios. According to consultoria Gartner its implementation in empresassaudveis is the equivalent to remodel the roof in the summer as preparative paraquando the cold of the winter to arrive.

It has more possibilities of success if used in common set system of Business Intelligence (BI). After all, it is based in information, therefore, base of extration and analysis of data, that is what a solution deBI makes, forms a perfect pair with the methodology. The use of this methodology in a quandoimplementada organization internally, will go to assist the company to focus its resources nassuas with priority initiatives and also to assist in the daestratgia development of the organization for all the professionals of the company, that saberocom more clarity which its paper in this context. Bibliographical references BROADBENT, M.; WEIL, P. Management by maxim: how business and it managers can create itinfrastructures. Sloan Management Review.

Repair Water

Inside the canvas will be put on a special adhesive basis, and the outside edge zaplavyat to remain a small seam. True, it is worth to note that on plain glossy textures such repair of stretch ceilings will be noticeable. Of course, there are ways zadekorirovat site of the former section: do applique, for example. – Is it possible to place the cuts, say, to bring more light? – Well, if there will be appropriate and, to connect to the mains will not need to remove the entire ceiling, you can set and lighting fixtures. As an alternative dressing room cut, we propose to install fake fire alarm sensor. That is, the sensor Of course this is simply not connected, but someone about it, but you would guess. – So much for the lesions in the center of the ceiling paintings, and if the cut is somewhere very near to the wall? – In this case, even simpler.

Our experts dismantled the edge of a stretch ceiling, damaged part, paste "harpoon" to the film, again heat the fabric, stretched and fill in the profile. Even not noticeable. – Stretch ceilings are popular with people also because that can withstand a fairly large amount of water if flooding has occurred from the top. How to be then? How to drain the water? Too professional to call? – Repair of suspended ceilings in the case of a leak from above can be realized on their own, but it is better to call first professionals to get advice on drain water.

Five Rules

I think each of us have had, ever feel a sense of hopelessness. At such moments it seems that if you are in a closed trap, where there is no escape. And in his mind flashed a desire to leave! Spit up and let the unattended! And there, perhaps, somehow everything will be resolved … If your life is a situation that you seem desperate, in any case do not give up! Do not let things take their course! Believe me, this does not solve your situation! Much to our regret, Many people give up too quickly, take a defeat without trying, and several options to address and solve this situation. In the first place. Whatever your situation, do not allow yourself to think like a man struck: – "Y I have neither of which would come! "" I can not cope with this! "" What I am a poor and miserable! ". Stop complaining and focus your attention on self-pity.

After all, so you just drive themselves into the image of the victim and assert themselves Suppose you're a victim – of this you will only get worse. Stop complaining and look for more and more cons in this situation – this is in no way solve your situation. It is better to focus your attention on the search function and making this situation. Second. Be strong, because in moments of desperation as you no when you need strength, tenacity and perseverance! Get together with strength, courage and efforts to address and break the deadlock.

PHP: Updating Your Status On Twitter With CURL

Today we look at how you can remotely update your status in twitter. To implement, we need the cURL api and Twitter. Address api, which is necessary for us to update status -. Before you begin, make sure you have installed and enabled cURL! Let's begin. / / Set the username and password $ username = 'alex-g'; $ password ='*********'; / / The message that we want to send $ message = 'Hurray!, I updated my remote status:) '/ / Address of Twitter api $ url =''; $ curl_handle = curl_init (); curl_setopt ($ curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL,' $ url '); curl_setopt ($ curl_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 2); curl_setopt ($ curl_handle , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($ curl_handle, function curl_init () we initialize the session and then set the option for it using the function curl_setopt (). Then we execute cURL-query using the function curl_exec () and close the session curl_close ().