The occupation of the dry zone of the territory to potiguar consolidate-sine century XVIII, being most important the cattle breeding business. Existing farms in the ribeiras of the interior of Estado were numerosasas (UF). The clientele deCaic, former P., counted on 70 farms (the cities are countless, cujosurgimento of the urban nucleus, had relation with the cattle breeding business). The historical vocation of sertanejo, stops with the cattle one, ficapatente in all the moments of history. Of cattle a extreme-extensive one, developed in the fields, it was transferred, with the hereditary succession of lands, auma cattle half-extensive, with the cattle espremido in lesser areas each time. From the years 70 (Sc. XX), however, the process demodernizao of the cattle breeding business has provoked the separation of the creation of gadodas activities of farming.
The cattle is not more untied in the roados ones of cotton, maize and beans, to feed with the remaining portions of the cultures, being been servant deformed half-intensive, where capim is cultivated next to the water points, comoaudes, rivers and wells. Areas long ago destined to roa gradually estotransformando itself in spaces of the cattle one. In the Serid to potiguar, with the extinguishing of the cotton and the declnioacentuado one in the plantation of sorts directed to the suppliment of the local population, apecuria comes to tona, with caractersticasde modern activity (improvement of the flock, confinement, measured sanitary denatureza, among others). Valley to remember that this modernization comes severificando since years 70 (sc. XX), when the State, through programasespecficos, has looked for to stimulate it with sights to the accomplishment of the integraovertical of the farming sector with the industrial sector.
Amongst the farming activities they quetiveram strong tradition in the region, the cattle milkmaid is the one that if presents maissaliente. 3. APECURIA AND the PROCESS OF DESERTIFICAO IN in agreement SERID the ficamuito previous note clearly the attributes of the atividadepecuria, at some historical moments of the dry zone northeastern and the Serid, for extension, as well as the resistance of this activity to the different ones momentosvividos by world-wide, national and local the economy, that had finished taking aocolapso, products such as the cotton and the mining, that had constructed to history eriqueza in the region.