National System

The National System of Sanitary Monitoring, regulated for Portaria MS 1565 of l994, established the bases for the decentralization of the actions of AIMS In the scope of the SUS. The creation of the ANVISA in l999 promoted the intensification of the relations between the spheres of government and the formalizao of commitments aiming at to the attainment of specific results in the sanitary area. With the objective to organize and to implement the SNVS, it was created and agreed to in 2000 the Term of Adjustment and Metas (TAM) and the term of adhesion to the TAM, through the decentralization of the actions of AIMS AT by means of the accomplishment of partnerships between the parts. New half of view of financial resources of the federal level it saw ANVISA had been established with the purpose to guarantee the decentralized attributions. To have access to these resources the cities would have to be qualified in one of the forms of management established by Basic the Operational Norm of the Only System of Sade (NOB/SUS-01/96) and to prove the existence of administrative structure and capacity technique for the execution of action of IT AIMS AT for complexity level (low, average and high). The politics of incentive to the decentralization fomented for the levels federal and state and the mechanisms of accompaniment, have controlled and evaluation of the use of the resources had brought important advances for the consolidation of the SNVS. To know the situation of them AIMS AT municipal theatres, in the aspects structural and organizacional, especially focused in the human resources and adopted processes of work, it constitutes an important action for the investment in qualification managemental technique and of the workers of the sanitary monitoring. The SANITARY MONITORING IN the MUNICIPAL SCOPE As practical of health, the sanitary monitoring is inserted in the social space enclosing its performance on public sector private in the defense of the population regarding to the institucional rule of the equity and the beginning of the equality.